part 20

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louises pov

i go to the bathroom and look in the mirror. god i look rough. i splash some water in my face and put on light makeup . i apply a bit of lipgloss to my lips and go to my room. i pick out this outfit :

someone honks outside so i grab my phone and run downstairs

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someone honks outside so i grab my phone and run downstairs. i hug my mom and go outside. josh looks at me up and down.

"u look adorable" he says.

"why thank u" i blush.

we both get in the car and drive to the restaurant payton texted me. when we get there, payton and dylan are already sitting at a table. we join them and start talking.

time skip

we talked so much. dylan seems like such a sweet guy and he makes payton really happy. josh had his hand on my leg the entire date. i dont know if it meant something or not.

we get to my house. we look at each other. we both come closer but he stops, so i do too.

"i- i gotta tell you something"

"okay sure!"

"listen i really love u Louise, you're an amazing girl! but i just cant date you.."

"w-why not?" i say quietly.

"its just.. ant is still my homie and it would be weird if i would be together with you... his ex. "

"right" i try to not show that that hurt.

"hey! look at me" he lifts my chin up

"we can still be best friends! just not more"

"okay. goodnight josh" i kiss him on the cheek and get out of the car.


i ignore him and walk inside the house. its about 1 am right now so i have to be quiet. i go upstairs on my tiptoes and close my bedroom door. i fall on my bed.

what the fuck.. so jaden is an absolute asshole, payton is going home tomorrow and josh just friendzoned me. great. just great.

i go on my phone and see that i got a text from Jaden.. about like 10 minutes ago

jadn: hey lu.. can we please talk?

i dont feel like talking to u

jadn: please!

fine just call me

jadn: no. i have to talk to you irl.


jadn: louise just meet me at the park in 10 okay?

i roll my eyes. what a dick. i put on sweatpants and a hoodie. i throw on my air force 1's and go downstairs, again as quiet as possible. i go to the park.

its dark and only the street light makes me see something. i sit on the bench, scared af. when i hear footsteps i get a heart attack and jump up. but its just jaden

"hey shush its just me" he chuckles

"u scared the shit out of me" i say as i put my hand on my heart

he laughs.

"sorry babygirl. i wont do it again i promise"

"dont call me babygirl. now why did you wanna talk"

he sighs.

"look Louise, i was really mad at that moment and i didnt mean any of what i was saying-"

i cut him off
"no you were right. nobody wants me. its just like that." i think back about earlier today, with Josh

"dont say that! ur gorgeous i bet every guy wants to be with you"

i blush.

"mhm" i say

he chuckles and hugs me

"im sorry lu. i never meant to hurt you."

i felt so safe and warm in his arms. he probably did this with so many other girls but this felt good. being with him felt good.

he lets go and grabs my two hands. he looks me in the eyes. this feeling again. like i had when we were in the kitchen.

"ur so fucking beautiful Louise, you know that right?"

i look down shy, covering my face with both my hands.

"no dont do that ur adorable"

i look at him. he leans in. i kiss him. he kisses back, grabbing my waist. i put my hands around his neck. its not lust, but im not sure its love either. maybe it was just the heat of the moment..

A/N : were so close to 1k holy crap yall are insane thank u so much! luh u all stay safe from corona <33

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A/N : were so close to 1k holy crap yall are insane thank u so much! luh u all stay safe from corona <33

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