part 30

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louises pov

i wake up next to a still asleep jaden. i smile and place a soft kiss on his forehead. i get out of bed and throw on a cute outfit

 i get out of bed and throw on a cute outfit

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i braid my hair and wash my face. i dont put on makeup so you could see my freckles. then i go back to my peaceful sleeping boyfriend and sit on the bed.

suddenly his phone lights up. i know its not my business, so i dont check. but not much later he gets another text. i grab his phone and check

mads : jay can u come over?

mads : babe?

bitch why ru calling him babe? hes MY boyfriend! jaden groans and turns around so i quickly put his phone back.

"goodmorning beautiful" he says rubbing his eyes

"morning" i say grumpy

"how are you" he hugs me from behind and puts his head on my shoulder.

"im fine." i say dry

"whats wrong? i thought we were good?" he asks, pulling away

i turn around so im facing him

"you got a text from ur babe" i say sassy

he grabs his phone confused. he then rolls his eyes at the text

"it means nothing lu, its just a normal nickname i swear"

"okay sorry its just weird" i say

"i know" he kisses my forehead and hops in the shower.

jadens pov

onve i shower all my thoughts away, or at least attempt to, i let out a deep sigh. these past few weeks have been hella fucking crazy. not even to mention, next month is tour.

NEXT MONTH IS TOUR! HOLY FUCKING SHIT! I TOTALLY FORGOT! can i even go on tour? i get out and dry myself off.

"louise i gotta go to mads rn, wanna come?" i ask

"okay " she asks

i put on some sweats and a shirt. louise is just on her phone so i grab her and throw her over my shoulder

"JADEN!" she yells

i laugh and run to the car

"put me down!!" she says

i put her down and smirk. she blushes and kisses my cheek. we get in the car and drive to madison.

"hey babe" she says leaning in for a hug

louise, who was standing behind me, pulls me back

"HII MADISON!" she yells over enthousiastic

i cant help but laugh and facepalm

"oh hi louise.. i didnt see u" madison says

"yeah shes too short" i say, getting a kick from lu. we both get in and sit in the couch

"so you wanted me to come over?" i ask

"yeah uh.. jaden.. i havent been feeling well" she says looking down

"what do you mean" i ask

"i feel dizzy and i- i have cramps.."

"ohh.. fuck" i say

louise sits there confused

"maybe u ate something wrong why are yall being so dramatic" she says laughing

"louise.. those are signs of- " i get cut off by mads

"miscarriage" mads says as a tear rolls down her cheek. i go up to her and hug her tight

"lets not assume that okay? we'll go to the doctor asap" i say calming her down

louises pov

he hugs her tight and i see her sobbing. fuck why am i so damn stupid? i felt terrible.

"lu, you couldnt know its okay" mads says in between breaths.

"im still sorry madison" i say.

time skip

ive been sitting on the couch for about 2 hours now. jaden and mads left for an appointment and i just didnt feel like i was wanted there.

"hey lu, u wanna drink sum?" griffin asks

"nah thanks griff im good"

he sits down next to me.

"i know this is hard, but you'll get through it" he says

" i know "

"then why are you afraid?" he says

"im scared hes gonna leave me griff" i say with tears in my eyes

"come here baby" i cuddle up against his chest and he holds my head
"jaden likes you, he really does. ive never seen him look at someone that way. you're different then other girls lu. you're special" he whispers

i look up and hug him

"you're the best griff"

he smiles

"HES ALSO MINE!" dixie yells coming in

we both laugh and she jumps in my arms


we hug and laugh

the fun is all over when mads and jaden come in.

"and? what did the doctor say" we all ask

A/N : im the ceo of cliffhangers fr fr. anyways im starting online school next week so hahahh FUCK ME

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