part 65

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jadens pov

"mom im fine, i swear" i say, standing up

"okay okay im just worried." she says, putting my arm over her shoulder

"lets get you home" my dad says opening the door

i sit in the car and stare out of the window. she pops up in my head. louise. she loves me. i love her. shit

"mom! can you drop me off somewhere? please! i need to do something"

louises pov

i hang up all the clothes on the clothing
rack and sit down on my bed. i was planning on fully unboxing everything, but i kept zoning out. and cmon, can you blame me? jaden almost died for gods sake

i hear the doorbell so i stand up and walk to the door.

"jaden? the heck are you doing here" i say

the poor guy is standing there holding onto the door frame, looking unwell.

"louise.. i know this might not be the right time and everything but i had to tell you" he says

"what do you mean" i ask

"i l-" he gets cut off

"jaden! damn i missed you bro, how are you? so glad to see you back." jason says

they hug each other then jason gives me a hug.

"yeah im hangin in there yano" jaden says

"good to hear" jason says

jaden nods

"anyways! was nice seeing you both. later" he says, dissapearing 2 seconds later

"so what were you trying to say" i ask looking at jaden

"you know.. its not that important actually. i uh i have to go" he says

"wha-" i start, but hes already gone.

the fuck was that?

i walk back inside, confused af and start unpacking.


after what felt like forever, all the boxes are unpacked. i grab a glass of water and sit on one of the kitchen bar chairs.

someone knocks on the door. i groan and get up.

"what are you doing here" i say

"i just want to talk"

i roll my eyes and try close the door, but her foot is blocking the way.

"im not leaving until you talk to me" she says

"fine whatever" i walk back to the kitchen and sit down

she closes the door and follows me.

"just listen, please. you have all the right to be mad at me. what i did was rude and cold, i know that. but ur a tough girl, and you can handle a lot. you are pregnant though, and i cant help but want to take care of you. so.. can i?" my mom says

i sigh and look up

"yes. i would love that"

she lets out a relieving sigh and hugs me tight.

"lu, i love you. no matter what" she says

i smile and put my hand on her shoulders

"i love you too"


"you did a great job!" she says, looking around the apartment"

"thanks" i say doing a hairflip

she chuckles and sits down next to me.

" are you and jaden"

i look at my feet

"i dont know. i love him. i really do, and im worried because hes not doing well and i wanna help him but i dont know how" i say, breaking down

she pulls me into a hug again.

"you really care about him dont you"

i nod as she strokes a piece of hair behind my ear.

A/N: its 1:30 am for me rn, just made my math hw go me lmao. sorry for the short chapter, next ones gonna be cool :)

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