part 61

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louises pov

its been two weeks. hes breathing but he wont move a thing. ( guess u could say hes comatose 😀 okay sorry this is supposed to be serious i'll leave )

"hes gonna be okay" the nurse says

i smile at her and watch as she exits the room. i take jadens hand and place a soft kiss on his forehead.

"ive thought about it.. and i chose two names. just cause i dont wanna keep calling them baby. but if you wake up we can always change it. you're gonna be so happy jay. a boy and a girl. just like we both wished for" i smile and put his hand on my belly.

"say hi to rose and elio" i say

thats when a little foot kicks. with wide eyes i look at my stomach. another kick.

"theyre saying hi to you jaden!" i say, wiping away a tear.


"how was it? did the doctors say anything yet?" stephanie asks

"it was amazing steph. and no, the doctor dont have any news yet." i say, putting my clothes in the bag

"you sure you wanna go today?" she asks

"yes. im a burden to you and your family. its for the best" i say

"you really arent lu"

i roll my eyes and zip my bag.

"lets go"

"u sure? shes gonna attack you with questions" she says, opening the car door

"i know" i say throwing in my bag


"you want me to come in?" she asks

"its okay steph, thanks"

i take a deep breath and knock on the door. it swings open immediatly

"OH LOUISE! finally!" she spreads her arms but i push her aside and walk in

"im just here to pick up stuff" i say

"you know you cant ignore me forever. im your mom"

"yeah my mom who kicked me out at 17" i say, grabbing a suitcase

"if you waited a week, you would be 18"

"shut up" i mumble

when i walk into my room, everythings gone.

"what the fuck?" i yell

"all the stuff is already in the apartment sweetheart. only your clothes are still in the closet" she says

i give her a death glare

"thanks for moving on so fast" i say, opening the closet.

"you know its not like that louise. but after all you're going to college after this year and i thought it might be good for you to prepare"

"im not going to college yet. im living in the moment" i say ripping open my suitcase

i throw in all my clothes and zip it up.

"are you leaving already? were not even gonna have a proper conversation?"

"mhm i think the words we exchanged were enough already. bye!" i say slamming the front door

i walk up to stephanies car and put the suitcase in her trunk. i open the car door and sit down.

"how did it go"

"smoother than expected" i smirk

she chuckles and starts the car.


we arrive at the apartment building. it is huuuuuge! we both breath out in a holy shit typa way

"ieieieie i wanna see the apartment!" stephanie says, grabbing my suitcase

i chuckle and take my bag out of the car. i follow stephanie inside and we get in the elevator.

"what floor was it again?" she asks

"4th one i think"

she presses the button and the elevator starts going up. it stops at floor 3 and opens. i look up and meet the persons eyes.

"louise woah! didnt expect to see u here"

yeah me neither. holy shit.

A/N : were so close to 50k readers which is actually insane. thanks to all of you, u are so appreciated <3

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