the final chapter

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jadens pov

excited? or rather scared. maybe both?

excited to finally marry the love of my fucking life, scared somethings gonna go wrong.

but im stronger now, more confident and so much happier. all because of her.

shes about to be mine forever, which i couldnt be more grateful for.

louises pov

"IM FREAKING OUT! what if i got too fat for the dress!" i yell almost starting to cry



i burst out laughing and sit down on the couch.

"we got the dress hoez!" dixie says, walking in with my mom

"MOM!!" i yell jumping into her arms

"todays the big day! im so happy for you baby girl" she says with tears in her eyes

"awh dont cry! i'll start crying" i say smiling

"and she CANT cry YET" charli says

dixie gives her a death glare.

honestsly? best siblings i know

"now put the dress on you bad bleep!" addison says with a wink

"okay okay!" i say walking into the small fitting room

luckily, i still fit in the dress. i walk out getting a lot of emotional reactions.

addison has tears in her eyes, dixie is pouting, charli has her hand on her mouth and avani runs up to hug me

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addison has tears in her eyes, dixie is pouting, charli has her hand on her mouth and avani runs up to hug me.

and well, my mom is sobbing.

"mommmm!" i say walking up to her

"sorry, sorry. but you just look so beautiful Louise. you grew up so fast. i'm so, so proud of you" she says

yup, now i'm crying too. those words.. those words mean so much.

"im so proud of you"

i pull her into a hug and whisper

"i love you mommy"

jadens pov

"tadaaa fuckers" i say opening the fitting rooms curtain.

"oi if i werent straight, i would totally fuck you" bryce says

"yeah buddy you look hot as fuck!" josh says dabbing me up

"awh thanks guys! oh and bryce, even if i was gay, i still wouldnt fuck you" i say smirking

"i hate you" he says offended

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