part 25

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( the picture above is this whole chapter <33 )

"we have to talk"

those words scared me. nobody ever says that unless something terrible happened or is about to happen.

"uh sure wassup?" i ask.

"not here" she says clenching her teeth.

i nod and take her to my room. i sit down and pat on the spot next to me, she sits down and looks at me.

"jaden.. i- i dont know how to tell you this" she says looking down.

"just tell me" i say curious.

"i-im pregnant jaden. and its yours.."

anger fills my entire body. this cant be true. no. i was finally living life, with my soon to be amazing girlfriend.

"jaden.. say something" she says

"what the fuck madison? are you serious? you cant fucking do this to me"

"do u think i wanted this? you broke my heart and now i have YOUR baby. this is fucked up for me as well Jaden" she says

shes right. its not her fault. im just really mad. i mean finding out your ex is pregnant with your baby, isnt exactly amazing.

"i know. im sorry. hey! look at me" i lift her chin up. "im here for you okay? we'll figure this out together." i say

"d-do you wa-want to keep it?" she says while tears fall on the bed.

"i dont really know, do you?"

"i do and im religious so i cant get an abortion."

i hug her and kiss her head.

"its okay. everythings gonna be okay. we'll get through it together." i say

she smiles and takes my hand. she sits up and looks at me.

"thank you jaden." she kisses my cheek and walks out.

how the fuck am i going to tell Louise?

next morning

louises pov

i wake up and put some gymclothes on. i put my hair in a ponytail and grab my bag. i throw in a waterbottle, my airpods, phone and a towel. ( for the sweat ya know ew )

i get to the gym and do my routine

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i get to the gym and do my routine. after the workout i go home and take a shower. i get into my normal clothes and call jaden.
he doesnt answer, so i call again. after a few rings he finally answers.
l : louise
j: jaden

l: hiii baby

j : hey

he looks hella stressed and rushed.

l : u okay baby

j: im fine

uhm rude. why is he being so dry

l : sooo u wanna hang?

j : nah not in the mood

l : oof why

j : im just not in the mood okay?

as confused as i am, i decide to stop the call and go on snap. i look at his location ( stalker tingz ) and see hes at home.

i get in the car and drive to his house. he opens the door.

"what do u want Louise" he says

he reeks of alchohol.

"jaden are u drunk right now?"

"so what if i am"

i smack him in the face

jadens pov

after mads left i go home. l go to the basement, where i had a punchball. i punch out all my anger. louise calls but she ends it quickly. i go downstairs and get out a bottle of whiskey. i pour it in a glass and drink it up all in one shot.

i hear a knock and so i stumble to the door. its louise

"what do u want louise" i say scratching the back of my head

"jaden are you drunk right now?" she says mad

"so what if i am" i say. its none of her business. i have a reason to

she smacks me in the face and looks at me furiously.

"jaden! dont fucking talk to me like that! why are you drinking in the middle of the day?"

"its NONE of ur fucking business! fuck off louise. i dont wanna see you right now. "

"jay please.. whats wrong? you know im here for you always" she puts a hand on my cheek. i slap it away. she looks at me upset.

"leave." i say looking away from her


"NOW!" i push her, causing her to trip and almost fall. she looks at me with fear in her eyes. she turns around and runs to her car. she drives off.

i didnt mean to scare or hurt her. but when i drink alchohol, thats what happens. i just cant control myself. its only when i heavily drink. i felt bad but its the best if i leave her alone. i just lay on my bed and fall asleep

louises pov

i rush into the car and drive off. i drive with tears in my eyes since i was terrified. what the hell happened? why was he drinking? why didnt he wanna tell me what was wrong?

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