part 80

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louises pov

i'm laying in jasons arms as we watch the sunrise on the balcony.

"its really beautiful" he says

"me? why thank you" i say

he chuckles
"i was talking about the view, but you look pretty too"

i kiss his cheek then take a sip of my forestfruit tea.

"let me get my polaroid" i say

i get up and go into the bedroom as quiet as possible. i grab the polaroid and just as i close the door i hear a little voice.


i turn around and see elio.

"hi baby! what are you doing up so early?"

"wheres daddy?" he says

"uh hes at his house elio"

"why cant you two be togethew?" he says with tears in his eyes

"oh baby" i sit down on the ground and take him on my lap.

"i really love daddy okay? but he and i... he and i probably werent meant to be" i say with tears rolling down my cheeks
"i hope he'll be home soon elio"

"me too mommy"

i kiss his head

"lets go back to sleep now"


for kids who are only two years old, well almost, they can talk A LOT! even the doctor was really surprised. but i mean whats wrong with early birds right?

i just hope they dont pick up bad words though. because a 2 year old saying 'fuck' or 'shit' isnt exactly cute.

"what took you so long?" jason asks

"elio couldnt sleep"

"have you been crying?"

"what? no! i uh i yawned" i say

"oh alright"

"lets take some pics!"

jadens pov

my phone is getting a million notifications.

stephanie 🙄: is louise okay?

stephanie 🙄: did you guys talk it out?

stephanie 🙄: you can always talk to me

stephanie 🙄: jay? u there?

shes so fucking annoying. take a hint for gods sake. as if i wanna talk to her. i wanna talk to louise. i wanna be with her. but she deserves better. i know she does.

garlic knot : ey Jay, come over yeah?

jaden : not in the mood josh

garlic knot : too bad im already at your house bitch

this guy. the doorbell rings. i open the door and dab him up

"ayeee my man" he says

"tell me you at least brought food" i say

"course" he says holding up a chick-fil-a bag

we jump on the couch and start eating.

"you guys will be fine bro, its gonna be alright" he says

"you think so?"

"yeah dude, you two are made for each other"

i smile while taking a bite of my burger.

"do you think i deserve her"

"nah, but i mean she still likes you for some reason so whatever" he says

i look up and see a huge smirk on his face. i throw a fry at him

"asswipe" i say

he chuckles. i look back down

"i was joking btw. you deserve her. stop putting yourself down like that. its making no one happy. you're a great dude Jaden. she knows that too, why do you think she loves you so much? this is on you. this is all your choice. so stop fucking it up and go get your girl" he says

i dont wanna cry but theres tears in my eyes

"ahh come over here buddy"

he pulls me into a hug

"dont tell bryce about this though, he'll say were pussies" he says

i laugh and hug him back

"thanks man, and bryce is one to talk"

louises pov

jason is cleaning the table as i wash the dishes. i get out my phone and post a pic on insta

 i get out my phone and post a pic on insta

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1.932.346 likes, liked by charlidamelio
louisesmith : miss my buds :(

"wanna watch a movie?" jason asks

"yeah sure"

i sit down next to him. he puts his arm around me as i snuggle up against him.

"how bout baby driver"

"sounds good"

he kisses my forehead and whispers

"i love you"


A/N: oOooh :))))

q: im interested, what is your fav friendship now?

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