part 46

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louises pov

she pulls me into a hug.

"oh louise! how ive missed you!" she smiles, cupping my face

"i missed you more steph!" i say, hugging my friend again

"so whats wrong?" she asks, sitting down.

"well.. uh.. its a long list" i say

she gives me a confused look and i explain everything. like EVERYTHING. from the first tour day, til about 20 minutes ago.

"holy shit. im so sorry." she says

"yeah its whatever"

"welp! no time to be sad! ur at happy house rn and we were about to make pizza" stephanie smiles as she grabs my hand and guides me to the kitchen.

"louise! weve missed you darling" stephs mom says as she hugs me tight.

man, i love this family. i get the pizzadough out of the fridge and wash my hands.

"lets make some kickass pizza!" i say

jadens pov

"jay. jaden!" i hear a womans voice yell in my ear

"what" i groan, pausing my music

"get out of the shower" my mom says

"no why" i say grumpy

"well first, you've been in there for two hours straight and second we need to talk!" she says


i turn off the water and dry myself off. my moms already sitting in the living room with a big frown on her face

i sit down and look at her confused

"what" i say

"why the hell are you playing around with that cynthia girl? did you forget you have  A GIRLFRIEND? and a frickin amazing one, may i add" she says, crossing her arms

"we broke up" i say dry

"you what?"

"broke up. like a week ago." i roll my eyes

"jaden.. im so sorry. are you okay?" she says

"im fine, thanks" i get up and walk to my room. i open my closet and grab a bottle of rum and a glass.

i also roll a blunt and sit next to my open window. i take a hit and breath out slowly.

louises pov

"PIZZA!!!!" lola yells

lola is stephanie's little sister. she is ADORABLE! and also very, very, very, VERY damn loud

"wash your hands first bub" steph says

lola sticks out her tongue and walks to the sink. i giggle and grab plates. i cut the pizza and place a slice on each plate. we all sit down

"okay lets ATTACK!" stephanie's dad says, making us all laugh

time skip to like 9 pm

"movie time!" steph yells, looking ridiculous with her cloud facemask on.

"what movie r we gonna watch?" i ask

"idc, you pick one! i'll get us some snacks" she says, heading out the room

i go through the DVD's and smirk widely when i see the case. stephanie walks back in and looks at me

"oh no. what did you find? what is your plan? should i run away this instant?" she says, grabbing onto the door knob already.

i turn around the DVD case and smirk

"oh hell nah" she says

i nod slowly
"oh hell yeah! you said I could pick! so i picked" i say, still holding the smirk on my face

she gives me a death glare

"weve seen it SO-MANY-DAMN TIMES!" she sighs

"yeah but uh.. i dont care" i smile, grabbing the remote control

i press start and grab some popcorn. lets goooo

jadens pov

i finish smoking and realize i drank like 4 glasses of rum.

yeah i know what ur thinking

oh jaden! you stupid fucking asshole!

so what? maybe i am. i dont care. i feel shitty and this is making me feel better.
my phone rings

anthonyreeves is calling you...

a: yo jay

sup bud

a : can i come over? i wanna play fortnite but avani stole my ps4 also my parents are asleep so

not right now im not in the mood, food, lood, rood fart HAHSH FART

a : uh jaden u good

fart fart fart fart

a : are u high again


a : i'll take that as a yes.. bro you've been like this all week. calm the heck down! ur gonna get addicted

no! i only smoked weed like 2 times this week butthead. hihi BUTTHEAD

a : then ur drunk. thats not better

buttt buttt- HEAAAAD

a : im coming over


yeah.. meet jaden being high & drunk

louises pov


i look at stephanie, who fell asleep and turn off the movie. its about 1 am, we did a huge high school musical marathon. well I did, stephanie fell asleep after like, the first song.

right as im about to turn off the lights, the feeling is there again. the dizzy, throw up, sick feeling. i run to the bathroom and throw up, again. ugh i hate being sick. i should go to the doctor

i'll go tomorrow

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