part 75

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louises pov

"no steph i really cant" i say in a rush, trying to grab everything.

"oh cmon lu! you've been so fucking busy! you could use some relaxing" she says

"maybe" i say but then shake my head " no. i have way too much that i still need to do"

stephanie sighs and sits down on the couch.

"you're no fun" she pouts

"yeah sorry hun, i got two kids and a fiancé!" i say throwing my keys in my bag


"listen steph, i promise as soon as i got some free time, we can go shopping or whatever. just not now"

"fine. i need to get going." she says

"alright have fun!" i yell

she turns around

"mhm i almost forgot! dont forget to post some tiktoks and an insta pic! people LOVE babies"

i smile and nod. she winks and rushes back out the door.

"do i have everything?" i ask myself

"keys, check. phone, check. wallet, check. driving license, che- .. uh, shit WHERES MY DRIVING LICENSE" i yell

"right over here" someone says

i turn around and see jaden with a big smile on his face. hes holding up my license.

"thanks" i say grabbing it out of his hands.

"now get that smirk of your face"

he chuckles and pecks my cheek.

"where are you going" he says sitting down

"to the store? why arent you ready yet?!" i ask

"i am ready! but uh... what store are we going to?" he asks

i roll my eyes and shove some papers into his hands.

"go get a suit for the wedding fuckface" i say

he gets up and kisses me

"i love you" he says before heading to the door

"I LOVE YOU TOO" i yell after him

alright lets go get the wedding stuff.


third persons pov

"please shut up" addison says to elio and rose running around screaming

"just stop.. i beg"

shes sitting on the kitchen floor with her head in her hands. how long did she have to take care of this nightmare? dont get her wrong, she LOVES them both, but they can be SO exhausting. and shes been babysitting them for almost two weeks.

addison hears the door open. she jumps up

"BRYCE? OH THANK GOD BRYCE" she yells jumping into her boyfriends arms

"someones excited to see me"he chuckles

"please help me. they wont stop. im going to die" she says

bryce chuckles once again

"get some sleep beautiful. i will take care of them." he says

"thank you THANK YOU" she says running to her bed.

"hey buddy" bryce says picking up elio

"BWYCE!" elio yells

"yes! its me, the coolest uncle in the world. you want some icecream?"

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