part 70

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jadens pov

"and then BOOM! he stabbed her" bryce yells

"jesus christ bryce! thats not even a fun horror story" addison says

bryce chuckles as he takes addison into his embrace. i feel louise snuggle up against me too. i put my arm around her

"you scared" i smirk

she gives me a playful slap on the arm.

"okay my turn!" charli says

"there was a boy called jaden. he had a sweet girlfriend called louise . it was a normal tuesday night, at least thats what they thought.."

i roll my eyes. louise sits up excited

"dont make it too scary char, i wanna be able to sleep tonight" she says

"cant promise anything" charli says putting her hands up

"shush and continue!" payton says

"okay! louise and jaden were sitting on the couch. they lived in a peaceful neighbourhood. not many people, so you knew every single one of them by heart. you wouldnt think anything could go wrong, right? well , thats not true.."

of fucking course, it starts raining. and not much later, we hear thunder. everyone sits closer to each other.

its dark,  only the candles make us see something.

"theres a knock on the door" charli says

someone knocks on the door.

"no! no fucking way, shut up!" stephanie yells

"psh pussies" griffin says getting up and walking to the door

"trick or treat!"

i stand up too and see two little kids dressed up. one as a ghost, the other one as a skeleton. they look adorable

"here you go" i say as both griffin and i put candy into their bags

"now what do you say" the mom asks

"thank you!!" they both say at the same time

i chuckle and go back to the group.

"okay so someone knocks on the door. jaden gets up, leaving louise all one on the couch" charli says

i feel louise putting her arms around me and her head under my arm.

"jaden opens the door. hes frightened by what he sees" charli says in a low voice

"what? what does he see!" addison asks

"madison fucking lewis" charli says


i burst out laughing.


louises pov

charli, addison, avani and i are making halloween snacks in the kitchen.

"ohhh those look creepy!" stephanie says crawling on one of the kitchen chairs.

"they dooo" dixie says pointing at a fake eyeball

"can i try one?" stephanie asks

"sure thing" charli says

stephanie pops an eyeball in her mouth. (that sounded a bit like a cannibal omg)

"mhm tasty eye" she says

we all chuckle as we bring the plates to the living room.

the boys are sitting there, looking VERY suspicious. we put the plates down. i raise my eyebrow at jaden, getting a shrug in response.

yup, they definitly planned something.

"lets watch a horror movie to end the night" anthony says

"anyone got the candy from when we went trick or treating?" noen asks

"its in my room" dixie answers

noen gets up, and not much later bryce gets up too.

"where are you going" i ask

"gotta take a piss. that a problem?" he asks

"nope just asking" i say, still not trusting it

"yo has anyone seen payton?" griffin asks

everyone shakes their head

"louise can u go look?" jaden groans

"yeah sure" i say

"we'll pick a movie!" avani yells

i walk to the bathroom and knock

"what do u want?" bryce says

"sorry! have u seen payton?" i ask

"nah" he says

i hear something coming from the guest room. then i realize, this is probably a part of their plan isnt it?

i hear payton screaming like a lil girl.

yup, deffo their plan. you aint scaring me though. try me bitch!

i open the door and see something absolutely terrifying.

A/N: updating tonight. also heres a lil sum, after next chapter i might write just one then take a big jump to another time bc otherwise it gets boring lmao.

i luv u all ty for 90k like holy snap <3

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