part 31

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"and.. what did the doctor say?"

i look at jaden to see tears in his eyes.

"jay?" i go up to him but he pushes me off

"i need time alone" he says walking upstairs

"mads.. dont tell me that-" dixie says

madison nods and starts crying

"oh baby" dixie grabs her head and hugs her. i hear her sob. this is horrible. i cant even imagine how she feels. losing a child is just.. heartbreaking

"i- i just dont underst- understand what i d-did wrong" she says sobbing

"you didnt do anything wrong babygirl. horrible things can happen to the most amazing people" dixie says.

i turn around to go to jaden but someone grabs my arm

"dont" griffin says

i nod and just grab my stuff. when i get to my car i see jaden

"do you want a lift?" i ask

he just ignores me and gets into his car.
i wish i could do something for him.

third persons pov

madison left the sway house and went home. she gets a text from kenzie

kenz : and??


kenz : how did it go

dont talk to me please thanks

kenz : why ru acting like this

i dont wanna be friends anymore

kenz : what? why not? what did i do

im just tired of you

kenz : are you fucking serious madison?

she closes her phone and rolls her eyes. she puts on some netflix and eats icecream.

jadens pov

i get into my car and rush home. i know i never met this baby, and i honestly didnt TRULY want it, but it was still my child. and now its just gone...

louises pov

i drive to starbucks and get an iced coffee ( we basic ) i get home and film some tiktoks. not happy ones, or dancing tiktoks. just lipsyncing and povs. i fall down on my bed and take a deep breath. these past 24 hours have been crazy. and just when i thought it couldnt get more confusing, i got a call from kenzie


l : uh hi kenz wassup

k : lu, ik all this has been crazy and we dont rlly know each other but i have to tell you something!

l: life couldnt get more crazy ( plottwist : it can ) so fire away

k : lu, mads was never pregnant

shes kidding. right?

l : uh wtf?

k : she faked it all along! she just wanted an excuse to be closer to jaden! she faked all the appointments!

l : and why would i believe you

k : ask jaden if he ever could go with her to appointments

l : he did today

k: thats the thing, she said she wanted to go in alone! she just asked for new medication! all the tears were fake, shes an actress remember

l: kenz you're not making any sense. why would you, her BESTFRIEND tell me she lied this whole time?

k : i dont wanna admit.. but as her bestie, i helped her with all this. and when the plan was completed, she dumped me. im simply taking my revenge

l: this is all so fucked up kenzie

k: i know im so sorry

l: dont apologize to me! jaden is fucking heartbroken

k : are you gonna tell him

l : i'll try


i have to tell jaden. right now

time skip to after she told him

"no.. that sick bitch. i couldve fucking known" he says clenching his jaw

"what do you mean" i ask confused af

"mads takes medication against this weird ass behaviour."

"is she bipolar" i ask

"no. just fucking crazy" he says rolling his eyes

"jay im really sorry, i gtg rn" i say

"what where?" he says grabbing my hand

"to madison."

"dude no stop" he says

"make me" i laugh and run to the car. he follows me and jumps in

"lets do this shit!" he yells

jadens pov

"louise, jay hey.. im not really feeling goo-" louise smacks her in the face. my jaw drops

"you tricky ass bitch!" she yells

thats my fucking girlfriend everyone

"what is wrong with you!" mads says holding her cheek

" a lot of things, but you, my dear, are a fuckin psycho" lu says in a sassy tone

"so u found out..." mads says

"yes we fucking did" i say

"jaden im sorry-"

"save it. just remember that if you ever need me, need anyone, they wont be here for you" i say

"and thats on periodt luv" louise says blowing a kiss

we walk away looking badass AF and damn it feels good ( to be a gangsta ) to put that bitch in her place

A/N : WELL SHIT! its ab 1 am and i should sleep but sleep schedule? never heard of her. ily all stay safe and eat food bc yes <3

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