part 69

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louises pov

i open my eyes to see absolute darkness. i wanna rub my eyes, but as i try to bring my hand up, i realize im handcuffed or at least tied up.

you're shitting me right?

"what the fuck is this prank" i say

"well hey louise" a familiar voice says

someone takes off my blindfold.

a light pops on.

"jesus fucking christ " i say rolling my eyes

jadens pov

we arrive at her house and knock on the door. no one answers

"fuck were too late" i say running my fingers through my hair

anthony bursts out laughing

"whats so fucking funny?" i ask

"dude ur acting like were in a movie! shes probably pranking you."he says

"y-you think so?" i ask confused

"yes for sure. you shouldnt be a wuss about it. act like you know" he says

"ur right. aint no one pranking me" i say

we drive back to the store and finally buy the shit we needed.

louises pov

"seriously? you?" i say

"why arent you fucking scared"

"because you dont scare me" i say

"i could literally kill you right now!"

"yeah sure. anyways can you cut off the ropes? kinda uncomfortable" i say smiling

"shut up you sick whore"

"oh so im sick? im sorry mAdiSon, but as far as i remember YOU hit me in the fucking head and tied me up" i say

she gets out a knife

"geez watcha gonna do with that? cut off that failed bleached hair?"

she clenches her teeth

"listen to me you little shit. you RUINED my life! jaden and i were happy! and you ruined it." she says

"oookaaay" i say

she grabs my chin

"i heard you're pregnant. twins? how fucking sweet. what would happen if one dissapeared?" she says pointing the knife at my stomach

i turn away from her way too close to mine face

"hun, your breath smells horrible. did you EAT a child before this?" i say

"SHUT UP!" she yells

"alright alright"

"so? are you gonna kill me or what" i say yawning

she steps away and drops the knife

"mads? you good" i say

"ffuck.. what am i doing. ugh you made me do this!" she says

"wha-" i get cut off by a slap in the face

"louise! louise wake the fuck up!"

i open my eyes and see jaden

"huh?" i groan

"you fainted. im sorry for not being here earlier. SOMEONE" he says looking at anthony " made me believe you were pranking me"

anthony akwardly chuckles.

"holy shit i had the craziest dream" i say rubbing my head


he walks away with noen to the kitchen.

"you okay?" jaden asks helping me get up

"yeah just a weird faintdreamnightmare thing" i say

"alright. do you remember what happened before you fainted" he asks

"i uh think the power went off" i say

"yeah for the entire street actually" he says

"how did yall find me"


i smile as we walk to the kitchen. lets get the REAL halloween started.

A/N: did you expect this 😳

q : would yall like to see a BIG time skip or continue as it is now ?

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