part 62

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louises pov

"w-what are you doing here" jason stutters

"well, im live here" i say

"really?! i live here too" he says

"cool! we should catch up sometime" i say

"yeah. uh anyways.. i-imma take the stairs" he says turning around

the elevator closes again and it starts going up.

"well that was akward" stephanie laughs

"ugh i know. it sucks we were so close then we just kinda stopped talking" i say

"like you and me?" she says, putting the key in

"yeah. ANYWAYS! how are you and noen? yall seem a bit distant" i say

"were not actually. were doing great, i invited him over to have dinner with my parents and he says hes scared af"

"awhhh hes such a baby" i open the door and my jaw drops

"oh my god ITS GORGEOUS"

"how did she even afford this?" stephanie asks with her mouth still open

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"how did she even afford this?" stephanie asks with her mouth still open

"she has a sugar daddy now" i say, fake gagging

stephanie chuckles and walks to the window.

"this is such a sick view" she says

i join her and look at the, indeed, insane view.

"do you see yourself raising rose and elio here?" she asks

"no. i see jaden and me raising rose and elio together."

stephanie smiles and pulls me into a hug.

"lets get you settled in shall we?"

i nod and grab the bag


"did you lock the door?" i ask


i close the car door. stephanie starts the car and i connect my phone to play music.

"btw, i have a little surprise for you once you go back to the apartment"

"really? omg what is it!" i say

"uh if i tell you, it wont be a surprise anymore"

"ohhh cmonn tell me" i say

"nope" she smirks

"pweaseee" i say doing puppy eyes

"doesnt work" she says

i cross my arms like a 5 year old. stephanie chuckles and turns up the volume.

"i love this song!" she smiles

"SAME!" i yell

we both start singing along. yes we sound like dying cats but thats okay cause were having fun.


"DONT KNOW WHAT FOR" stephanie adds



"thank u luv" i say blowing a kiss

"its no problem luv innit! bye mate" she says in a british accent

i laugh and wave goodbye. she drives  away and i walk into the hospital. i greet the doctor while walking up the stairs.

i get myself water on the way.

"miss Smith" the nurse greets

"hii" i smile

i open the door and walk inside.

"hey jay. how are you? i say while throwing my jacket over the chair

i sit down and grab his hand.

yeah i know what you're thinking.. louise why the fuck are you talking to someone in a coma? they cant hear you..

i know, i know. just somewhere deep down i think he CAN hear me. he just cant respond.

"i went to the apartment today. its amazing and jaden.. oh the view is gorgeous. we even have a balcony! a big one, may i add. we can have dinner while watching the stars." i smile wide

"wake up soon yeah? i love you" i say softly rubbing my thumb on his hand

"anyways i should probably go home"

then the most insane thing ever happens.

he squeezes my hand.

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