part 60

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louises pov

"you have to come. louise you've been here for six days. you're cold, you need a shower and you need to eat!" stephanie says

i put my arms over my knees and look at jaden.

"i cant leave him. what if he wakes up? i have to stay" i say

"baby, we'll rush over here if he wakes up okay? but now you have to take care of YOU. and if thats not enough, let me remind you that you have two little babies in there" she says

"promise we'll come back as quick as possible?" i ask, reaching out my pinkie

"i promise" she says, interlocking our fingers

i stand up and place a kiss on his forehead.

"i'll be back soon. i promise"

stephanie smiles and we walk to the car.


"want some more water?" stephanie asks

"no im fine steph really, just come sit next to me" i say taking another bite of my sandwich

"are you sure? i mean arent you cold? you just took a shower so-"

"steph, i'll be good with the 52892 blankets you gave me"

she chuckles and sits down.

"actually... there is something you can do for me" i say

"what is it?" she says, standing up again.

"do you still have the cakes?"

she gives me a what are you up to look and i give her a smirk in return.


"they should be here by now" i say biting my nails

"louise calm the fuck down. theyre on their way" stephanie says

"WERE HERE BITCHES!" charli yells, gaining the attention from EVERYONE in the waiting room. she coughs

"were here bitches!" she whisperyells

i chuckle and give her a big hug

"ayee freckles!" chase says as he embraces me. i smile and say hi to everyone.

"lets do this" noen says


"okay. everything is set up. are you ready?" dixie says

"i dont know. i mean shouldnt we wait until he wakes up?" i say

"we'll just buy him a new cake" anthony says

i smile at him and take a deep breath.

"okay im ready"

griffin sits down on one knee again

"honour is up to you ma'am" he says

i take the knife out of his hands and walk to the cake.

with shaky hands i slowly start cutting the cake. i take the piece out and a lot of m&ms fall out. blue m&ms to be specific

"AHHH A BOY!" i yell

they all clap and laugh.

i walk up to the second cake and take a deep breath.

"this ones for you jay" i say

stephanie smiles and nods

i cut the cake and take the piece out. oh my god.

"NO WAY! THIS IS PERFECT!" i say, holding in my tears

"i knew you would be happy" avani says

"a girl and a boy. just like you wanted" payton smiles

i give them all a big hug while smiling like an idiot.

"oh you guys im sorry... im blaming it on the hormones" i say, wiping away tears

"nahh you were a crybaby before that" griffin chuckles

i give him a small punch

"ouch!" he says rubbing his arm

"jaden would be so happy too" i say, grabbing jadens hand

"hes gonna be when he wakes up!" addison says

"yes. cause hes gonna wake up" avani adds

i smile and look down. someone grabs my hand.. its dixie

"hes kinda lazy so give him enough time" anthony says, grabbing avanis hand, who is holding dixies hand

"yeah hes probably just taking a nap rn" noen says

we all laugh and stand in a circle around the hospital bed holding hands.

man i fucking love my friends. what would i do without them?

A/N : would y'all like a chapter at the end where I put in all the sad songs from this book? Lemme know also ily all sorry for making u cry lmao

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