part 44

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jadens pov

"jaden we gotta talk" vince says ( vince is the manager btw )

i knew exactly what was coming.

"yes. i know. i fucked up." i say

"fucked up is an understatement. i dont trust that girl. you better find a way to keep her mouth shut, cause she could ruin your whole career" he says

"i know. i'll handle it, dont worry." i say, throwing my bag over my shoulder

"oh and jaden" he says. i turn back around.

"maybe u and cynthia could become a thing. im sure the people would love to see yall together!" he says, getting into his car.

i roll my eyes and walk to my mom.

"how did it go sweetie?" she asks excited

"it was great ma. i uh need to be somewhere tonight" i say, throwing my last bag in the trunk.

"oh sure. no dinner tonight then?" she starts the car.

"maybe tomorrow. can u drop me off at cynthia's please" i say

"cynthia? dont you wann-" i cut her off

"no. just drive me to her place alright?" i say moody. she just nods and starts driving.

louises pov

"so uh where do u live exactly?" jason asks, turning the volume of the blasting music down.

"so just keep driving and at the stop sign, go to the right. then you see a big ass tree, turn left there and then you're in my street. " i say, trying to show him what i mean.

"okay" he says slowly while following the instructions.

we get to my house and just as im about to get out, he grabs my arm.

"we should hang sometime" he smiles

"we totally should! thanks for the ride" i say, closing the car door.

i get my bags out and walk in. my mom jumps up when she hears me.

"l-louise! i thought you were coming home tomorrow?" she says fixing her lipstick.

"mom? who the heck is that?" i say, pointing to the guy who was sitting on the couch.

"uhm louise this is.. " she gets interrupted

"frank. im frank" he says, reaching out his hand

i decline it and give my mom a wtf were u just doing with this weird ass man?

"frank is a fellow worker of mine" she says.

"so you work in a sexclub now?" i say with a sassy tone

"Louise!" she yells.

"whatever. i cant believe you forgot about dad so fast" i say running up the stairs and slamming my door.

not much later i hear a knock.

"fuck off mom" i say

she opens the door anyway. without any permission, she settles herself next to me on my bed.

"louise. i was gonna tell you about him. i swear. " she says

"i dont care mom. im just dissapointed" i say, denying eye contact

"louise. its been a year" she says

"yes exactly. its been ONLY a year. and you already forgot he existed" i say, still not looking at her

"dont you dare saying i forgot about him. you dont even know the pain ive been through. he'd be happy to see me happy" she says

i look at her and nod softly

"ur right. im sorry mom. i just miss him" i say

"i know baby. i miss him too" she says, taking me into her arms.

jadens pov

my mom drops me off and i ring the doorbell. cynthia opens the door

"jay! whatcha doing h-" i cut her off by grabbing her face and kissing her

"woah!" she says

"wh-what?" i say

"what the heck are you doing?" she says

"kissing you? obviously.." i say confused

"i thought you liked louise" she says

"i do."  i say kissing her again

"then why the hell are you kissing me" she says, pushing me away

"look cynthia. this is what lifes like. okay? we have no choice. Vince wants it like this" i say letting out a deep sigh i didnt know i had in me.

"well shit" she says, sitting down.

"yeah you could say that" i say, doing the same thing

"sooo? what are you gonna do now?" she asks

"i'll just tweet we broke up and maybe in a couple days we can make.. us official?" i say, getting a nod in response.

jadenhossler: i will always care about you

jadenhossler: im sorry for everything

"lets go to starbucks aye?" she says, patting my leg

"yeah!" i say

louises pov

im scrolling through twitter when i suddenly see jadens tweets. i let out a groan and type a response

louisesmith: care about me? REALLY? YOU FUCKED ANOTHER GIRL!

i quickly removed all of that and just unfollowed jaden on any form of social media. i had seen enough of his bullshit.

wow. my life was kinda shit. my moms got a new man, my boyfriend cheated on me and i got NO idea wtf imma do with my life now.

thinking about my mom and that frank dude doing shit made me wanna throw up. i run to the bathroom and start gagging when i get a notification of twitter.

tiktokroom : cynthia and jaden spotted kissing? did jaden move on SO quickly?

tap to load image

i tap and seeing them kissing was just too much . i hold my hair and throw up my lunch from earlier today. and my breakfast. and my smoothie.

the heck im gon do now?

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