part 66

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jadens pov

"hey man"

"hey bud" i say, hugging anthony

"how are you holding up" he asks sitting down

"im okay i guess. want some soda?" i ask

he nods as i take two cans out of the fridge. i sit next to him and open them

"so... have you told her yet?" he asks

"told who what?" i answer confused

"oh dont play dumb on me."

i give him a bro i really dont know what the fuck you're talking about look

"have u told louise u like her?" he says

"oh.. right. i uh i tried but someone interrupted us"

"ofcourse" he sighs

i roll my eyes

"i'll talk to her soon" i say

"you better. you might not wanna admit it, but you love her. and im pretty sure she loves you back. so go get her, before its too late ya cunt" he says

i poke him in the ribs.

louises pov

"why is she taking so loooong" noen sighs

"stop complaining! im almost done!" stephanie says

i chuckle as i flip through the magazine.

"tadaaa!" stephanie says, walking out of the fitting room.

"you look gorgeous!" i say

she bows making the both of us laugh.

"noen! what do you think" she says

"i think" he says, standing up " that you look fucking hot"

she smirks and jumps into his arms. they start making out

"oh get a room already" i say

they both chuckle.


"you're absolutely a 100% sure you dont wanna buy anything" stephanie asks, getting her wallet out to pay

"yes." i say

"alright then!"

we walk out of the store and head back home.

"ah shit i forgot! i was gonna go to chases. im sorry baby" he says

"its ok babe"

"i love you" he says

"love you too"

he pecks her on the lips and gives me a hug

"bye lu"

"bye noen"

we arrive at my apartment and put the clothes on the table.

"soooo..." stephanie says

"what" i ask

"have you talked to jaden yet?" she says

"oh.. yeah uh not exactly" i say rubbing the back of my head

"the hell is that supposed to mean" she looks at me concerned

"i- we sort of got interrupted. but i'll talk to him soon"

"yeah you better! you both OBVIOUSLY love each other"

i shrug and get up.

( notice the parallel, so romantic i know )

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