part 73

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2 years later

louises pov

"for fucks sake elio give back the toy" jaden sighs frustrated

"no!" elio says

he sticks his tongue out and starts running away.

i laugh as i see jaden run after elio.


"yes rose" i say looking at the little girl on my lap

"can you bwaid my haiw pwease" she pouts

i nod and get up to grab some hairties.

"sit down baby" i say patting on the chair

rose climbs up the chair. i start brushing her hair carefully.

"ahA GOTCHA" jaden says as he picks elio up from the ground

"AAAH" elio yells

i chuckle and start braiding roses hair.

"ouch mommy" she says

"sorry sweetie"

"WOOSH" jaden says as he flies elio around the apartment.

"I CAN FWYYY" elio yells spreading his arms

"yes buddy! you're superman" jaden smiles

oh shit... did i forget to tell you? yeah i kinda finished online school. we skipped a lot of beautiful moments, but thats ok. its for me to know and for you to imagine.

i can tell you one thing though ;

giving birth IS HELL! and i never wanna do it again! well i mean i dont have to explain, yall were there.

but i love my babies. and jaden. were a happy family. like a fucking happy family.

"watcha dreaming about" jaden says as he puts down elio

"nothing" i say

he puts his arms around my waist and kisses my cheek.

"you know, addison and bryce are babysitting tonight" he whispers

i turn around to face him

"what? why" i ask

"becauseee im taking you on a date" he says

"oh really! im so excited! where are we going? what should i wear! AHHH" i yell

"calm down" jaden chuckles

"its all a surprise, but uh dress cute."

"what does that even mean" i say running my fingers through my hair

"just put on an outfit, you look good in everything" he says. i roll my eyes as he winks and walks to the bathroom.

"alright kiddos! whos hungry!" i say

"MEEE!!" they both yell


" GUESS WHOS HERE!!!" addison yells

"hiiii" i say pulling her into a hug

"UNCWE BWYCE!" elio yells

"YES ITS MY LITTLE MAN ELIO" bryce says as he picks up elio and spins him around

"thank you so much for babysitting" i say as i pour in some water for addison

"are you kidding? i love being around the kids" she says sitting down

"addi! rose says

"hi babygirl!" addison says

she puts rose on her lap.

"wow! you look like a princess with those braids" she says

"mommy made!" she says as she points at me excited

i smile at addison and walk to the bathroom. i knock, causing the door to open. no jaden. mhm weird

i go to the bedroom but hes also not there, so i go to the guest bedroom. its locked.

"jay? bryce and addison are here. you've been in here for hours. is everything okay?" i ask

"yeah! dont come in! im uh naked" he yells

"first of all, i cant come in the door is locked. second of all,  naked? thats your excuse?" i say

i hear him chuckle.

"are you ready to go on the date" he asks

"i was about to put on my outfit but i didnt wanna leave bryce and addi" i say

"alright i'll go, just get changed meanwhile!"

"okay okay" i say walking to the bedroom.

i look at my closet. how about... we dress up a little more.. special! a little more sexy and a little more im a hot ass independent woman even though i have a boyfriend

"perfect!" i say to myself taking out the dress.

"perfect!" i say to myself taking out the dress

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i put it on and curl my hair. i apply some mascara and red lipstick. i look in the mirror. this should be fine.

"HOLY F-" addison starts, then looks at rose and elio behind her

"finger! holy finger" she says letting out an akward chuckle

i laugh and bow.

"dang lu you look stunning!" bryce says earning a slap from addison

"ouch!" he says

i laugh and kiss elio and rose on their heads.

"dont do anything stupid!" i say, then i turn to bryce

"cant promise anything" bryce says putting his hands up in defense

addison rolls her eyes
"we'll be fine, i promise"

i give her a smile

"wow.. you look incredible"

i turn around and see jaden.

"why thank you! you look handsome" i say

"ew yall sound like 80 year olds"
addison says fake gagging

i roll my eyes

"well this old couple is going on a date! byeee" i say

jaden waves and puts his arm in mine. i smile as we walk out the apartment.

A/N : so yeah we kinda went forward. lots of exciting moments are coming. get hyped yuh!

also if ur from America and ur still up : ru okay ?

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