part 64

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louises pov

im standing outside the room, talking to the nurse. Jaden had just woken up, so giving him some space would be good.

"so when can he go home again?" i ask

"well, he can go home today actually, but theres a few rules.." she answers

"and those are?" i ask biting my nails

"he might have to go to therapy. you know, so he uh-" she starts

"doesnt try it again. i get it" i finish

she nods and gives me a i feel bad for you both look. i return a sad smile and watch as she walks off. i turn around and look through the glass window of the hospital room, to see jaden sitting up and eating jello.

what a motherfucking cutie

jadens pov

louise went outside to talk to the nurse. i had some alone time and i figured it would be good if i thought about everything for a quick second.

i have apparently been in a coma for a couple weeks. the cause? suicide attempt. jesus christ jaden. what the fuck is wrong with you?

your girlf- ,i correct myself, ex- girlfriend is pregnant with your babies, you left all you friends, and your sweet parents.

but yeah.. my friends hate me, my ex probably too and my parents must be so damn dissapointed.

there it is again, that weird feeling. its like theres a hole inside of you, and it keeps getting bigger. you feel empty. i get lost in thought

louises pov

i walk back in the room. jaden stopped eating the jello but he still had it in his hand. hes dreaming, because i called him like 4 times and he still hasnt replied.


no answer

"jaden? woohoo!" i say waving

he snaps back to reality and looks at me.

"oh uh hey" he says

i smile and sit next to him.

"so.. h-how do you feel?" i ask

what a fucking dumb question is that. really louise? he tried to kill himself, ended up failing, was in a coma for like something longer than 3 weeks and you ask him how hes feeling? dumb fuck

"i dont really know. its all a bit overwhelming" he says

i nod understanding, but honestly i have no idea how he must feel.

" so uh-" he cuts me off

"i have to tell you something"

"oh.. sure go ahead" i say

he takes a deep breath and looks me in the eyes.

"well.. i was in a coma b-but" he breaks eye contact

"but?" i ask

he doesnt respond. i gently grab his chin and look at him.

"but what?" i ask

he looks at me weird. ofcourse he does. we broke up. and im pregnant. and he tried to kill himself. shits crazy

"i- uh i could hear everything" he says

i sit there, shocked as hell. what does that even mean?

"wha-" he cuts me off again

"i heard everything you said louise. everything" he says

i rub the back of my head. well shit! this is akward

"is it true?.. i mean like do you still love me?" he asks, his voice slightly cracking

"ofcourse i do stupid! jaden i never stopped loving you and i-"

he pulls me into a hug.

holy shit. never in a million years did i think i could hug him again. you would say all hugs are the same, but they really arent.

when i hug jaden, i feel safe. i feel protected and loved. i feel warm in his embrace.

he lets go and looks at my tummy

"so hey there rose and elio" he says.

i start smiling like a fool.

"daddy is awake" i say

he looks up at me

for a moment, im scared for his reaction.

but he gives me the most gentle, warm and kind smile.

"may i?" he asks

i nod as he puts his hand on my belly. the little kicks are back. he looks at me with wide eyes

"is that-" he asks

"yeah!" i smile as tears fill my eyes

oh thank you god. thank you so much for bringing my baby back to me.


we spend another two hours at the hospital. we dont talk that much,  even though there is so much to talk about.

we make eye contact, but this time, he doesnt break it and neither do i.

i just stare into his beautiful eyes.

he leans in closer, i follow his directions. our faces are inches apart.

"mhm" someone coughs

we both turn around and see jadens parents.

"oh mr and mrs Hossler! you're uh you're here!" i say, standing up

"yes darling. anyways we'll uh we'll wait outside" she says

they both walk back outside as i grab my jacket from the chair

"i- i should probably go" i say

i rush to the door.

jadens pov

she rushes to the door

"louise! i- i love you too" i say, but shes already gone

fucking coward. you're a coward hossler

A/N : jaden and bryce just got out of jail so thats fun!

q : biggest fear?

m : open waters, small places and spiders i think

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