part 52

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louises pov

"does that mean-" dr Ravens cuts me off

"you're having twins! congratulations" she smiles

"oh my god. you gotta be shitting me" i say

"wh-what gender are they?" i say biting my nails

"well-" i cut her off

"no no wait i dont wanna know! im not ready!" i say

"stephanie can you- do you" i say

"yes ofcourse" she smiles and walks outside with the doctor


"have a nice day Louise, take good care of yourself" she says

"i will mrs Ravens. thank you" i say, walking out hand-in-hand with stephanie

we get into the car and i let out a deep sigh i didnt even know i was holding in.

"you sure you dont wanna know?" stephanie asks starting the car

"mhm no. not yet at least" i say

"sooo can we do a gender reveal party???" she asks

i stay quiet and pretend like im deeply thinking about it

"i mean, why not" i say


"ayo, watch the road. we cant have a party if were both dead" 

she rolls her eyes

about a week later

jadens pov

im laying in bed, like i have been for about a month. ever since, well you know. but you know im happy with cynthia shes great

"JADEN! ugh why are you looking so bad? we have to make tiktoks! people want content" she yells

"do i rlly have to get up" i groan

"yes!" she grabs my hand and pulls me up.

i throw on a hoodie and make my hair look kinda decent.

"sit down" she says grabbing her bag

"babe you got such dark bags under your eyes, have u been sleeping bad?" she asks, putting some weird ass cream under my eyes.

"kinda, but its fine" i say. she finishes the makeup and we film some tiktoks

"anyways im going shopping with nessa. byeeee" she says

"bye?" i say laying down on the bed again

louises pov

"ahh i cant believe im finding out tomorrow!" i say

"muhahaha!! we got creative! thats all i can say" stephanie smirks

"ugh its so frustrating that everyone knows EXCEPT me" i say

"mhm you'll find out soon"

i sigh and put on netflix.

"im getting fat" i say looking at my tummy

"no, you're getting a baby stupid" stephanie says joining me on the couch with some chocolate chip cookies

"same thing" i say, grabbing a cookie

she looks at me and raises her eyebrow

"what? i love food"

jadens pov

theres a knock on the door

"come in" i say

"hey man, how are you holding up" anthony says sitting on the bed

"alright i guess"

"have you eaten today?" he asks

"no mOm"

"thats what i thought" he says, grabbing some chick-fil-a out of the bag

"eat. now"

"fine" i say grabbing the fries. i must say that after not eating for 3 days, this tasted pretty good

"dude you've lost weight" he says looking at me " have you slept?"

"why so many questions? im fine man" i say, taking another fry

"no you're not. im not dumb jaden and i aint blind either. you really gotta get your life together" he says

"yeah i know. i will. someday." i say

"she has it hard too" he says

"not as hard as me. i havent seen any of my friends, except you. i feel shitty and i cant sleep." i say

"yeah well shes pregnant with twins so i would say she has it pretty hard to-"

"SHES WHAT?" i yell

"oh fuck. did i just-" he says


A/N: i went for a run today. terrible idea. turns out, i STILL hate running. never doing that shit again.

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