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The wind blows and the sky glows

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The wind blows and the sky glows.

It's colouration is bright and beautiful, a deadly combination because it always seems to have everyone hooked, it is beautiful and somehow sunsets and sunrises always seem to bring me a certain calmness.

And this sunset is not different with that factor, the only difference is that this has to be one of the most beautiful sunset I had lied my eyes on.

Maybe it's because I'm in an unknown island or maybe it's because finally I've gotten my bestfriends to watch the sunset with me or maybe it's because I'm surrounded by a thousand strangers, in an unknown island, with all this beauty surrounding me but in my mind there is one person I wish to have been with, watching this sunset.

We arrived in Santorini late last night and awake early this morning, Lily's brilliant idea to explore the city has us, Jake and I, tired out from exhaustion.

Luckily we didn't walk around the island, yet, she had said we could do that tomorrow. That way we could stop to buy souvenirs, explore the lanes and take many more pictures of this beautiful place!

She said she chose it for tomorrow because it's our second and last day here.

That had sadden me, I didn't want to live this gorgeous place yet. I mean, I had only just got here and I'm pretty sure that rushing a five day tour to two days isn't all that nice. It's not my choice though.

I didn't pay for this trip so I have no say.

The least I can do is be thankful and I am, so so thankful!

"Oh my god, this is so fucking delicious!" Lily groans and stuffs her face with more greek food and I have to agree with her, greek dishes are simply devine. I nod my head in agreement with her, stuffing my face too.

"Babe, slow down! I swear, you're going to joke like that-hey, no!" The curly head man grunts.

I chew on my food, trying not to laugh and choke as my friends start to banter over the food in front of us, as if there isn't enough for all three of us because there is more than enough for an entire army.

I look back out at the sunset and sigh, today was good, as tiring and exhausting as it was, it was still good.

We drove to Red Beach and holy moly, I have never seen such a calm beach before. It was so pretty, my phones camera can stand proof for that. I have about a hundred of the beach alone. The rocks along side were marvelous too.

We mostly visited beaches today, swam and ate good food. I loved getting my tan on as Lily said.

Ammoudi Bay was my favorite.

We could swim towards a small island and jump off a not so high ledge into the water! It was so dark blue and memorizing. I didn't jump off the ledge though, I was much too scared and thankfully this time I had no tattooed hovering man who would throw me off.

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