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“No I don't think that is how it works,” I mumble, staring down at the black counter before looking back up. “Would you like something else then?” I ask.

This kid, he might be fifteen but I swear to god that his attitude is proving to be that he is actually a thirty year old that's trapped in a young boys body. It's really fucking tenfold and annoying to the bone, so much so that if I had the strength in me I would rock his jaw but I'm anything but violent— in anyway possible but still I can imagine.

“Listen hot mama, I just want it. I don't care how. I don't care who or where ju—”

He doesn't get to complete his sentence because someone from behind him, picks him up and walks out the front door while we all stare gaping and shocked at the scene.

An unfamiliar lady who stood near the man starts laughing and my attention zones in on her and my god, this woman is freaking gorgeous like a model gorgeous.

Her blonde her is wavy and looks so good, almost as if it were professionally done and her gray eyes shine with happiness and laughter as she continues to watch the man talk to the boy, completely oblivious to the sudden attention she's gained from everyone in the cafe.

“My name is, Georgina.” She greets and smiles when her eyes fall on me, gaping at her. “And that scary man over there is my, fiancé.” Her hand points behind her.

I nod my head. “Y— yeah.” I murmur.

I look towards the man who is smugly walking back in and comes to stand next to his future wife, lovingly smiling down at her and I blush, god these two are perfect together in every way, they look model and act model.

“Are you guys new in town?” I find myself asking, eager to know why they are here in a small town like this.

They pair nods their heads, smiling.

I smile back, slowly gaining back my awareness and not openingly gawking at them, after all they are just normal people who moved here which means I'm probably going to have to get used to seeing them around— in fact they actually look around my age group, twenty to twenty five.

Oddly though, the guy almost seems familiar in a way, like I've maybe seen him somewhere. Or maybe he has family around here, yeah that could definitely be it.

“Well then,” I exhale and clap my hands once. “Welcome to Roses café. It's the heart of the town and town of the heart, it's the local meet up joint!” I smile, gesturing around the neat place while saying the cafés famous motto.

The couple were nice and kind and actually spent time talking to me, asking me about all the hotspots in town and anything remotely interesting that they might like.

The guy looked hardcore scary, especially since he throw that loud mouth annoying ass kid out of here but it turns out that his just a bug goof ball who is totally smitten by the blonde beauty that stood beside him, gushing about chocolate covered strawberries and freshly made lemonade— I could tell that he loved her a lot, he looked like he was one of those guys— the ones that would give up their life for their soul mates if needed be.

I actually enjoyed the couples entertainment and talks for an hour while still looking after the café and customers, so much so that I invited them to the towns annual brunch.

“Babygirl, we should get going.” Mario says while his arms go around her waist and his lips go to the side of her head.

Georgina pouts up at him and I know that, that is his undoing because he groans and quickly looks away when he catches it. “Okay, fine. But I'm coming back tomorrow.” She states, leaving no room for arguing and points her pointer finger at him in warning with her eyes narrowed.

I smile to myself, enjoying this cute couples performance.

“Actually,” I intervene. “Tomorrow the café is closed, with the brunch and all going on. I offer to watch the few kids while the parents are busy.” I inform, smiling at them.

The couple had left the cafe twenty minutes later after ordering five different types of desserts and pastries and drinks. I was almost awed at them but hey, I know Jake the tanker for anything and everything that is sweet.

Which reminded me to give him a call.

To talk about his girlfriends weird behavior.

Because he would definitely have the answers.

Jake is her human diary.

She tells him everything and anything and he to her.

I stay at the cafe a little longer than necessary, just enjoying the silence and remembering memories of my mother and I running around here doing all sorts of silly things, and playing endless amounts of games.

Before she got depressed and sick.


I really miss her, so fucking much.

It hurts me to think about it and about that fucking letter that's forever edged in my memory.

How can I forget it? A suicide note, her shaky handwriting that once used to be so neat and perfect that the little me would ask my mother to teach me her ways of writing.

I'm sorry, babygirl. I'm so sorry. But please forgive him, for me, it's my only wish for— for us, our family. I love you Sophia, never forget that baby. Never.

I recited the ending of her letter in my mind.

My chest fills heavy as thoughts of my father flutter through my mind, knocking me against my brain and then there's that itchy feeling that tells me to pick up the goddamn phone— and somehow its stronger tonight.

Another hour drags by and I'm still sitting in the darkness with my hand tightly clenched around my phone.

I should just do it. I shouldn't be scared, what's to be scared of anyway? I'm an adult and his an adult, we're all goddamn adults. We just need to talk is all— yes that's it.

Before my mind can change again, for the hundredth time today, my fingers are already working on calling a familiar number. I lift the device up to my ear and listen to the beeping until heavy breathing is heard on the other side.

“Roxanne, I'm coming to London.”

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