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The smell of buttered popcorn and salt and vinegar engulfed the large, dark room as the tv sounds played in the background and tv's light flickered against our skins.

Charlie was seated very very far away from his brother and I, so much so that he was squished against his couch and engulfed in all his blankets with a little smirk on his adorable face as he stared at the screen in front of him. He had refused to sit near us after minutes— his argument was that we spoke to much and that we needed to shut our traps if we even wanted him to cuddle with us later.

Obviously, I had laughed at that silly little threaten of his.

He could be funny when needed.

And mostly it was at the most random of times.

Because I knew that either way, if we continued to speak or chose to stay silent, like he had wanted, he would've still be there later on— demanding us to cuddle him.

Percy brushes his fingers against my sides, leaning down to whisper in my ear again. “His going to fall asleep at any minute now.” He chuckles, quickly glancing at his brother.

I nod my head in agreement, that was true. I didn't miss the way his eyelids closed and the way he would quickly snap them open and continue to hide is little yawns, too.

My hand reaches out and grabs another handful of salted popcorn and I quietly laugh to myself before stuffing my face. “This is actually good,” I comment after carefully chewing and I turn to look at him, smirking. “I think I should listen to you more often, salt and vinegar popcorn!” I chirp— it was, is, a very good mixture but to be fair, this man naturally had good taste in things and I mean, not to gloat or anything but— just look at me! I'm good taste too.

“Amante,” He whispers and I turn my body to him, not only taking the opportunity to look up at him but to cuddle and snuggle into his ungodly warmth further. “Hey, panda.”

He teases my outfit choice and I glare up at him but he just smiles and winks before pressing his lips on my shoulder blade. “Panda's are fucking cute.” He muses.

I roll my eyes at his lame attempt to joke and bury my head into his bare tattooed chest, pressing my ears directly above his pounding heart and I smile to myself, in satisfaction.

After this mornings rounds and him constantly reminding me that no man would love me like him — which was very fucking true, no one could make me feel the way he did. Forget butterflies in my belly, I felt pleasurable jellyfish, giving me little tingling sensations.

Percy didn't let me forget that this morning.

He had literally bent me over the damn kitchen counter this morning because, I quote, “Little man is out cold, we have time.” He said and god knows I could never say no to him.

His stigma was out of the world.

Oddly though, I loved it.

It was risky and adventurous with him.

We all had silently decided to spend the day indoors.

We had done. . . basically nothing besides play video games and watch tv and cook and eat and now it was well past eight at night and non of us were asleep. . . well yet, non of us were asleep yet.

Percy gently cupped my ass in his large hand and laughed quietly above me, slowly kneading with his palm. “I bet that stings like hell. I'm sorry if I was a little too r—”

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