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It's crazy and almost completely insane at how fast time can fly by when you're being miserable by yourself and sulking on every single little thing in your life.

It's come to a point where I'm babysitting my favorite set of children and one in particular had decided his had enough of my downwards mood— so much so, that I'm now sitting in on an intervention for myself. It reminded me to warn his parents to keep him away from that tv.

“Jacobi, I've already told you, I'm fine and for gods sake, this is not a Ted Mosby moment for you!” I scold.

He giggles at my statement and then he completely ignores it and continues with his speech on how I should be wearing my extremely pretty smile, everyday.

I swear, the gesture and everything about this is sweet and warms my heart but the way his going about certain things does not sit well with me and I mean that literally— my ass is literally planted on one of those toddler chairs and I'm not allowed to move, my sides are screaming in agony.

But still, being the good and nice babysitter that I am. I obey to the little man's rules for a few minutes longer.

“I'll only let you out if you agree to be happy again?”

“I am, so very happy, Jacobi. Look. I'm smiling.”

His brown eyes eye me in curiosity, probably trying to find out if it's a fake one but really it's not. I am happy for many reasons, especially at this little feisty kid in front of me.

Immediately he smiles at me and let's me get off that awful chair, my sides cry out in happiness and I'm thankful for the deep breath of air that fills my lungs. “I like that account you made for me.” He says and blushes.

I smile, running my hands through his brown hair.

I had been on Instagram last week and he had been sitting next to me, very eager to learn about the app and actually forced me to make one for him and I did, eventually.

On my phone though.

And I watch over it when his on there.

“Yeah, I see you posted my picture.” I say while lifting him up in my arms and making my way towards the kitchen.

“You know, we're the best buddies now.” He smiles up at me with his toothy grin and I stare down at him with a small smile of my own, curious as to what his up to now.

“Is that so?”


I nod my head, chuckling at him. I place him down on the counter top before going to make him something to eat.

“But you should give me a shout out,” He adds.

I turn my head, a smirk on my face as I look at him over my shoulder. “I'll think about that young man.” I say.

Jacobi has a twin brother, not identical but my god, both these little guys are the cutest little fellows that I know of. His brother, Nicholas, isn't feeling well this past two days so his asleep upstairs. I think it's the flu that pasts by.

My hands grip the ceramic bowl and place it a few hand spaces away from the boy sitting on the counter because I know full well that he would poke his finger into this dish.

“This is dinner, for later.” I remind him.

I watch as he nods his little head and gestures for me to place it in the fridge. Then I grab a chocolate egg and throw it towards him, he catches it with perfection.

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