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In my life, I've seen things, I've heard things and I've experienced alot of things, too, but most of the time these things were bad and hardly ever good which is why I'm so hesitant with people, why I hate to try and believe most things. It might stem from my childhood or from myself.

I could never be sure. I did have a messed up childhood and past but I also had a little bit of goodness in it, too.

Some days, the good ones, my mother would tend to joke with me and one of her joking words are plastered through my mind right now, wishing for it to be true, even a little.

My little rose, you know, one day if someone were to kidnap you, they'd bring you straight back here and give me ransom.

She would say these exact words in a joking tone when I talked and laughed way too much, I used to be hyper then— it's her fault, she had given me one too many cupcakes.

I scoff and shake my head, I wish that were true right now.

I think it's been a day since I've been knocked out and driven far off, then thrown in this horrible, dark cell.

There's a window, just above that creaky bunker and it tells me it's dark outside, maybe around eight or nine— they've taken my wrist watch so really I'm just speculating here. I've tried screaming and crying and everything else I could do while chained to the wall and still, no one had come in, no one had cared— so I just leaned back against the cold wall with a sore throat and puffy red eyes,


For what exactly though?

My eyes fall back down to the chains that wrap around my once bare ankles and wrist. It's not bare any more.

Ugly red marks that look like thin bracelets and anklets had been on both my wrist and ankles, when in reality, it's because of my constant hard tugging against my restrains for a few hours which caused myself to bruise and those thin red lines started forming, if it bleeds, I wouldn't be shocked— maybe scared for a bit but it'll die down, eventually. I knew one thing though, it wouldn't scar.

It wasn't that deep, yet, anyway.

If I kept pulling and tugging and messing with these chains any longer then they would definitely deepen my bruises which would lead to bleeding, and so on.

My mind flutters back to the cafe when my stomach decides to grumble in hunger— I wonder if Rachel figured out somethings horribly wrong by now.

She had offered to care for the cafe and look after things around there while I went to classes for a few hours and I was more then happy to accept her offer, at least I wouldn't have to close down for those few hours.

Did she check with the college? Not only her, but maybe the others too, the people who I took as my family.

They are basically all I've ever had since before mum had died and dad had left, they've always been there for me, for my family and I've been there, for them and their families.

There is this saying, I've read or watched or heard it from somewhere. I just can't seem to remember from where though. It goes like, we take care of our own. It's basically saying, family sees sbd breathes for its own people.

Maybe they would check my apartment? I hope so because the twins birthday gifts were all over my living room, just waiting to be torn apart by them, mostly Jacobi, his always so wild and loud about everything.

Tomorrow is their birthdays and I highly doubt that whoever is holding me captive here is going to let me out for a party! Especially not when I don't even know what they look like. I know that nerdish guy from earlier though, he could be my kidnapper bit he looked so innocent.

Actually, scratch that.

It's the innocent ones that we should be careful about.

I hear footsteps just outside the thick metal doors and my heart beat increases for so many reasons that clump through my mind— the main one would be that these people are going to kill me. I can feel it in my bones.

I can hear quiet and hushed voices speak behind the door, it's too thickly made of metal for me to hear exactly what they say. I think that's why they made it that way.

So prisoners and other people like me don't hear what they plot to do with us which is pretty much general knowledge when it comes to these things, if you ask me.



And finally, Killing.

I am not okay with that rubbish though. I will not allow myself to get killed, fuck, firstly I don't know why I'm here!

Was it because someone wanted revenge on my father again? Or was it reversed, did someone want revenge on King? Or me? There were too many possibilities.

Soft jingling of keys is heard right out the door before the loud scraping of the metal and floor resonates around the once quiet room. I wince and hold my breath when black boots step through the door, standing in front of me.

My eyes slowly take upwards as I try to force my rapidly increasing heart beat to slow down before I have a heartattack and it somewhat listens, only to start back up all over again when a familiar face greets us.

I gasp in shock and force my back further into the wall while my mind forms up thousands of different scenarios.

“Hello, Sophia.”


happy mothers day to any one who is a momma on here! :) hugs and kisses from me to you, you strong and amazing woman.

if there isn't any mothers on here, imma legit be so embarrassed with myself lmao.


What's your dream career? (also who do you think stepped into the room?)


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