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“Here you go.” I place the cakes onto the table before speaking again. I smile at the newly engaged couple, they look wonderful with each other. “Anything else?” I ask.

A shake of both their heads tell me no and I turn back around, sighing in relief. I need a break, my legs hurt so much from earlier. I almost fell in between orders three times now— and really, I don't like playing the blame game but Charlie is at fault for my current ongoing suffering.

I just wish that child would listen to me about the kissing thing. I can't even fathom from where he learnt it.

But he needs to slow his roll, majorly.

Recently I've started questioning myself, wondering if his mood swings and constant kissing fiasco's are all stemmed from that two weeks away with his brother.

“Sophia?” Someone calls out to me and I turn, a smile lights up my face immediately at the sight before me.

My hands quickly reach out and I wriggle my fingers, “Oh, gimme, gimme, gimme!” I childishly whine and he chuckles, nodding his head, he hands me the fat baby.

The baby, which is almost two, reaches out to pinch my cheeks and her brown chocolate eyes light up in happiness when her fingers poke and pinch at me.

Jake stands next to me, hovering to look at his cute daughter as I coo and play with her, tickling her tummy to draw out her undeniably adorable giggles. “She's so beautiful.” I whisper to him, as usual, he expects it.

He rolls his eyes.

I play with the babygirl for a few more minutes and when I lift my head up, I notice his sudden uneasiness.

“You okay?”

“I— yeah, yeah. I am but—”

He scratches the back of his head and looks downwards. “I hate to just dump this on you but could you keep Jaina for a little bit. I just, I've got to run to work, is all and I ha—”

I smile at him, cutting him off. “You don't ever have to ask me that Jake. I've got her whenever you need me to.”

He grins at me.

His usual boyish grin.

“Thanks, S!” He beams once more.

I glance down at the angel in my arms once more and chew on my lip before looking back at him. “How is she doing now— Lily. Is she doing better?” I quietly ask.

His posture stiffens for a long second and then he sighs and shakes his head no, my heart sinks at the news.

Lily has been in a coma for a long while now and I know he isn't taking things likely especially with having a little babygirl on his radar twenty for seven and his work being so stressful. It really takes a toll on the poor man.

I honestly feel so bad for him which is why I offer to help at any chance I get, even if spending lots of days with my god daughter can get a little crazy with Charlie.

I don't mind it at all. I can handle him and her. But now he isn't here which is someway okay to deal with.

“I'll be off then.” He breaks the silence.

I nod my head at him and watch him in silence as he bends down to softly place a kiss on his daughter's forehead, quietly murmuring soft words to her.

His child does the cutest thing ever and pouts at him when he turns around and heads straight for the glass doors.

I hear a little whimper from her and smile. “Alrighty then Jai I think it's just you and I for the rest of the day. I have some jelly worms at the back, would you like some?”

I try a distraction and it works when she starts to giggle and nods her little head, curls flying everywhere.

For the sake of this baby and Jake,

I pray to the gods that Lily wakes up soon.

A month after everyone left and things started to get somewhat normal for everyone again, she was back and crying into Jake's arms, asking him for forgiveness and claiming that she has always loved him— something inside of me believed her words and trusted it's true.

We didn't speak directly to each other but I did send gifts and sweets for her throughout the rest of the pregnancy.

Because somewhere inside of my heart, I didn't want to hate the only friend I knew and had. I didn't want that anymore and I knew that she had her reasons and would explain it to me someday. I didn't tell her that though.

In fact, I didn't tell her anything and neither did she tell me anything but we both knew things were okay with us.

When she had went into labor, Jake had called me and asked me to come to the hospital— obviously I didn't think twice about it because we all are young, confused and a little fucked up— basically we all needed each other.

So I stood outside her room and heard her cries and screams and a baby's cry. I heard and felt everything.

But what had me shocked and absolutely godsmacked was the fact that they had wanted me to be the beautiful baby's godmother. I had nearly fainted on spot at the shocking news but still I had immediately agreed to it.

And then the worst thing that could ever happen, happened— exactly a week after the baby was born.

She demanded to go baby shopping according to Jake and he refused, for good reason too, she needed rest from all that months and the two days in hospital. Lily is stubborn.

Wednesday, she had taken a taxi and headed to the mall, alone, and done all her shopping and when it was time to come back home. She never did because she had been in a serious car accident that had her in a coma from banging her head too hard. It was sad and heartbreaking.

I hate thinking about that day.

I can always feel the dreadful shivers and goosebumps on my skin as we rushed behind her blooded stretcher.

From my memory, I could see and feel her weakly reaching out to me and grabbing my hand, mumbling the words.

“I'm so sorry.”

But I can't tell if I made that up or if it's of reality.

Everything was so messed up throughout and after that— Lily had closed her eyes and hadn't opened up since.

Something tells me though that one of these days I'll be able to look at her brown eyes while I fucking curse her out for being so reckless and going out alone like that! But mostly, I can't wait to wrap my arms around her and cry into her shoulders— telling her that I forgive her.

And I do.

I forgive Lily.


Oh my lord, guys, lol.
I had forgotten to put my questions in these past few chapters so here I am, back with another question for my lovely readers who I adore with my whole heart. :) ❤️

Your comments, feedback, thoughts, love and kind words for this story and towards me makes me immensely happy. I literally go back to read them all the time, smiling down at my screen 24/7. 😍❤️❤️



If you could be any character in this book, who would you be and why? :)

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