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A/N : will reply to comments soon. :) ❤️


I gasp.

This is why she looked so familiar to me!

And Charlie!

They both have electric green eyes— those same green eyes that I've grown extremely fond of and gotten used to waking up with them smiling down at me.

That green, so beautiful and memorizing, it's eyes that draw and pull me in at every waking demanding glance.

Percy King has those exact eyes as this woman and child.

Oh my god, am I that fucking blind? I mean seriously, how could that have passed me when I spend hours here.

My mind races back to London and to my father and then back to the man in front of me. I am quiet sure the whole revenge fiasco with him and my father had been because of my father shooting and killing his mother, yet, here she is— in all her psycho and crazy glory before us.

Nothing is making sense to me right now and a million questions fly through my mind, irritating the fuck out of my brain and I hate it. I hate the unknown of everything.

My fist tightens against Kings shirt, effectively pulling him closer to me, not caring about my faux hate right now.

“Amante, go to the car and take the child with you.” He commands, not turning back to order me and I'm glad for it because I don't move, not an inch— “Mario is scanning the perimeter and Georgina is in the car, you'll be fine.”

I expect her to take a stand, tell him that she won't allow him to take her son away, not that I would allow it. But the fact that she doesn't try to fight for the small boy but wears a proud smile, it infuriates me so goddamn much.

This is her child, her young son but she looks to give a damn that he could leave her right now, in fact she looks happy about it. I don't know which infuriates me more— the fact that she cares nothing for her child, or her dead husband nearby her or maybe poisoning someone who didn't even know her before today or maybe, just maybe, it could be the fact that she's pointing a gun at her eldest son— excitement in her eyes to fire away. It's scary.

I think back to all the times his spoken about this woman, his mother, to me and everything about a loving and caring and gentle human has been thrown out the window.

She tuts and clicks her tongue. “You're just like your grumpy father, how is the old fool anyway? Happy being a dead beat cabbage?” She snickers and he tenses for a long second. “My drugs worked wonderfully on him.”

I freeze, along with him this time. What is she even talking about? This woman rolls in a mud of confusion.

“Sophia. I fucking swear, if you don't get your ass inside that fucking car in the next three seconds—”

“Exactly what would you do, suo?”

He ignores her, “Fucking hell, amante, go. Right. Now.”

Serena laughs, it's so bone chilling and almost cuts my current defiance with King. It makes me want to run away and hide, still, I don't move. I won't. I'm being ridiculously stubborn— I know and I know I shouldn't be but I am.

Amante? You love this girl?” She questions, venom in her voice as she does. “And she, you?” She adds.

I don't know what she's getting at but I don't like it, at all. And I know full well that she knows just how to tick us off because obviously she must have studied fairly well.

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