26 - The End.

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Dear, Sophia Rose.

Aren't you the ever curious one, my little rose? I'm guessing if you looked through my shit then you've probably found this stupid ass letter that will probably make you sad and I'm so sorry for that, my love.

You must know that I never want to see tears in those beautiful little oceans that I love so much.

I don't know where I found the fucking time to write this stuff down but I figured you'd probably need an explanation and since I've changed my number, you wouldn't get through to me and neither would you find me, changed my goddamn address too but you may already know that by now— I'm guessing, you've been to London.

To see the King. :)

But he isn't there anymore because he doesn't want you to peirce your daggers through his already blacked heart.

Luca has always said I were a pussy when it came to emotions, he was so fucking wrong and I can't wait to shove that little factor in his fucking face, it'll be good.

I love you, amante, so fucking much.

But, that day in the country when I had asked you to do something for me. You had refuse it. So I thought why am i the only one fighting for our love and relationship, why not you too, why aren't you fighting for it like how I do?

I said it in Santorini, it was a long ass time ago but I always seem to remember words with you. It's plunges my mind and fucks me up so badly but I remember.

I said I wouldn't fight for us.

But I did.

I fought for us.

Every. Single. Fucking. Day.

But not you— you aren't a fighter, especially with our love.

Everything you ran from me, accused me or tried something to fuck things up between us. I fought hard.

So one time, one fucking time.

I wanted— needed you to fight for me and you didn't.

I don't blame you, don't worry. I wouldn't want to love such a fucking mess of a person, someone that has so many problems but that's life, we can't always have what we want and that was you for me, I wanted you so bad.

One week, seven days.

I expect you to stand up and pull me to you.

This feeling I have for you, it's not just love. It's like an unhealthy obsession. I need you every minute of the goddamn day and I crave you after every breath— you are so fucking intoxicating and innocent. It makes me crazy.

You make me feel like I can do anything and everything.

But you and I both need time, to grow up.

Fuck, I never thought I would ever say that but it's true.

You're too childish and much too immature for our relationship and I'm much too possessive and cracked up in the head for it too. But I fucking swear on my life, that I will come back for you one day and you will be mine again.

For now,

Wear my sapphire so I know you're safe.

And take care of my brother, amante!

I love you so fucking much, my beautiful girl.

Don't ever forget it.

Your one and only,



How are you guys feeling? I feel terrible.

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