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A/N : I will reply to all comments on Monday! :)❤️ sorry for my inconsistency.

P E R C Y   K I N G

Sophia was fast, I'll give her that.

But then,

It happened.

Her eyes were wide and I swear, it was the loudest I've ever heard my girl scream. “PERCY!” Her head turned to me, eyes so desperate and wide and scared, holy fucking shit.

“Get that fucking driver.” I growled at one of the posted guards.

Everything happened too fucking quickly. It was like a fast blur— we were frozen, panicked and fear laced eyes locked for a split fucking second and then, it was too fast again.

I pushed my legs, cursing myself in my head, I needed to reach her quickly. I needed to feel her in my arms, again.

An inch.

A fucking inch.

I feel a car graze me but I don't care about that.

I reached out and grabbed her body, holding her tightly against me and we rolled to the ground, ignoring the loud honks and people screaming— all I could focus was my girl, my beautiful girl. “Amante?” I move away from her.

She was frozen, her body unmoving and her eyes closed.



I quickly press my hand to her chest, feeling for her familiar heart beat and it's light beating— barely there. I swear my heart fucking breaks. “Sophia, get up.” I hiss.

I know we gathered a crowd now but I don't fucking care.

All I care about is the woman on the ground, barely breathing— this woman who taught me so many fucking things, how to bake, to laugh, to be a brother, but mostly, to love and now she wants to fucking leave me like this.

Over my dead fucking body!


“You have to mo—”

“Get him out of the way—”

“Sir, we're gonna need you to m—”

Too many voices, I can't focus on one, on any.

She's angry at me.

I should have never tried to touch her, to hold her, again. It's what caused her to run out here in the first place.

She was trying to get away. . . from me.

It's always me.

I touch her cold skin again, don't even caring if this people see me cry or the tears that fall against her. “Baby,” I whisper, shaking her a little and still, nothing. “Baby, p— please wake up. I can't without you. I— I, please?”

Somebody tries to touch my shoulder, again and I shrug them the fuck off, who the fuck do they think they are?

Do they know her?

Do they know that she's fucking mine!

“Sir! This woman is bleeding, please move out of the way. I've called the am—” I hear them screaming at me.

But I can't focus, I can't fucking focus. I just fucking can't. I'm fucking losing here, big fucking time. I feel myself fall back, not even knowing how long I held her, tried to get her to open her goddamn eyes and roll those beautiful oceans at me— to move that mouth and say she's forgiven me.

It could have been hours but it felt like seconds, seconds since she ran from me, again, for the last fucking time.

I'm pushed back in the crowd as everyone hovers over and around her, trying to help my beautiful girl and all I can do is cry at the sight of the blood on my hands— I fucked up.

I should never have let her leave like that!

Her eyes, the last time they looked at me, it was with hate and betrayal but fuck, she didn't let me explain.

Dunley was there at the wrong fucking time and he fucking knew that, too and his known it for months now.

We set a plan and he went against it, if anything I was trying to save the old man's ass but, fuck, it was far too late.

And I tried explaining, didn't I?

I tried, I fuck—

She wouldn't let me talk! She was worried about charlie's father instead. She was stubborn. My stubborn.

The sound of sirens and people becoming more frantic and loud has me completely fucking wild and that sounds are all thumping in my ears but all I want, all I fucking need is to hear her, my amante. I need her to be safe— it's all happening too fucking fast and I won't allow it. I won't allow her to leave me like this without hearing me out.

“Sir! Sir, are you going?” A man that looks blurred in my vision points towards a red and white familiar van.


Of course I'm fucking going.

It's like common sense enters my body again and I stand up, blinking away my fucking tears. I don't care if these people see me cry, if anyone sees me cry. What the fuck do they know? They know nothing— nothing about her or me.

Or us.


We need to be together. I don't know know how to bloody breath without her.

so sorry for such a short chapter and it's probably awful, too. I slept my day through when I had literally said 'CAITLYN YOU BETTER FUCKING WRITE THIS TODAY, NO EXCUSES!' and then my dumbass fell asleep. 😔💔😆

Good news though.

Luca wanted some ACTION so I say, we got about three more chapters. I hope that's okay. :)❤️

I'm sorry if it's not but his just here, in my head, talking non stop and the urge to shoot him is tenfold but his also making alot of sense so yup. 👏🏻

How is everyone? Did you watch the Kissing Booth 2? Are you INLOVE with the After We Collided content we're getting recently? Are you excited for Monday?

T E L L    M E    E V E R Y T H I N G  !

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