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I shift, suddenly feeling too hot. I move backwards, bumping into another body and a loud tired groan it heard before the hand around my waist tightens further.

I lift my hand and try to feel for Charlie but his probably in the living room since his spot on the bed is cold.

Again, I move and turn around in Kings hold, I peer up at his god like features and frown. I press my lips tightly together, trying my hardest not to laugh at his face. But I fail and a few short laughs escape, resulting in me covering my mouth with my hand as he blinks his eyes and stares down at me in confusion, obviously, he wouldn't know— this time, I don't hold back, I laugh fully at him.

I quickly bite my lip, hard, to try and stop laughing when he sends me a hard daring glare that's firing and intense.

“Why are you laughing?” He questions and let's go of my waist to remove my hand that covers my both and then amusement takes over his funny features before he too is laughing but not at himself, his heartily laughing at me.

I narrow my eyes at him before shrugging out of his hold, running straight for the bathroom. I stare at myself in the long mirror and groan in annoyance— using extra soap, I scrub at my face and slowly the drawings and writing come off but my skin is red and irritated afterwards.

The television is loud throughout the apartment that tells me the suspect is happily watching one of his many shows or cartoons after drawing on us, mostly King.

With my hand on my hip, I move forward, chuckling at the mustache he had given his brother as he walks by.

The clock reads that it's just after four.

That's almost four hours of sleeping comfortably.

I don't mind that though. It's not like I had anything planned for today, well, besides trying to sneak into the Mckenzie's place to try and catch the twins again.

Nick has been sneaking out to go to the candy store, recently and Jacobi has been tagging along with him.

“Charlie!” I call and he freezes in front of the bright screen.

“It wasn't me.” He quickly defends himself.

“Who else could it be then, Charlie?”

“I don't know! Why do you always blame me?”

“Because you're the only child here.”

“That's not reason enough.”

I glare at him and move towards him. I reach into his pants pockets and pull out thick black, blue and red markers.

I challenge him with my eyes, “Could this be reason enough then? Because I know it's more than enough.” I state and he pouts up at me with his sad doggy look.

“I was set up.” He whines.

“Fine. I'm letting it go, just this once.” I sigh and shake my head when he beams up at me, smiling proud and happy. “And only because of the ogre in the other room.” I quietly add, whispering to him so his brother doesn't hear of us.

Both of us start to laugh, fits and bursting of laughter.

King takes that time to walk into the room and raises up an eyebrow at the childish behavior but we ignore him and continue with our laughing, even after his washed it out.

“I could paint that with your own blood.” He fires.

Immediately Charlie and I shut our mouths, gazing warily at each other. “That isn't nice.” I scold him and glare.

He shrugs and smiles.

“I'm only joking.” He says.

We nod our heads, faking understanding and send him weak smiles. It's almost scary how we both do this together and in sync as if we were the same person— not two separates and years and years apart from each other. If it were someone else watching us then I'm sure they would have questioned if we were blood related.

That question has come up three times since I've brought him into my home and my response is forever the same.

Not by blood but by heart, yes, we're related.

And this statement was completely of truth and reality.

Charlie and I may never be related by blood, we my never be able to biologically call each other family because we could never share the same blood and genes but that doesn't mean we don't care for each other— a hundred and one percent, him and I have a playful sister, brother bond like no other and that alone is enough for us— because we may not be blood but we sure as hell know that we are still very much each others family, truly and wholely. It's true.

I admit that the boy could do some real questionable things but never once would I give up on him for anything because indeed, I love him like my own, now and forever.

Yes I get angry over things and so does he, him more than myself but I could never ever see myself living without him in my life. It just couldn't work out in anything good.

He is my little man, my extremely small baby and I'll never be afraid to admit that I love him as my own blood sibling.

“Shouldn't you be getting ready for our date?”

Charlie beams, smiling brightly, he nudges my arm and wiggles his eyebrows. “A date?” He questions, still smiling mischievously and I groan. “Can I come along?” He pouts and questions, slowly batting his eyelashes up at me.

“No.” He decides, shaking his head no to prove his point. “You are staying with Georgina and Mario tonight.”

Charlie gags, sticking his tongue out. “The blonde bimbo.”

I forcefully hold back my laughter at his expression and at the hard gaze his brother sends his way after watching him playfully mock and tease his good friend to no end.

His dark gaze flickers to mine and he nods his head at his brother. “Sophia and I will be coming late tonight.” He fires.

Hot passion and the burning desire to have his hot tainted skin against mine as soon as possible increases to tenfold and I feel myself squeezing my thighs together and clenching my core— his words setting burning fire within me, for him. It's almost impossible to sit still at this point.

“Yeah. . . it's a long long ride.”


How is everyone else doing though? with this virus spreading so rapidly everything is scary. I hope my lovely readers and also everyone else are safe and may God bless each and everyone of us in these times.

Love you guys! xoxo. :)❤️


Who is excited for the Kissing Booth to come out this July? :') I know I am!


Random (and weird) question :

What's everyone's hair color?
Mines darkish brown, idk, it changes lol.


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