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Spaghetti and red sauce is everywhere.

Cheese is scattered across the floorboards.

A cute powder faced boy with messy red clothes and long pasta strands on him stands at the center of it all, looking all innocent that I would have believed him if he said he hadn't done it— made a huge mess with his brothers food.

I pull away from the tattooed man and carefully walk over to my boy, smiling smugly at him and he too, starts to smile up at me, only more cute and innocent but I know.

“What happened?” I ask, crouching down to his height.

I watch in silence as he shrugs and looks around the mess, now looking sad and pouting his cute little pout, looking back at me. “It just. . . fell.” He decides on saying.

“Mm,” I humm, pulling my bottom lip between my teeth to stop myself from laughing at this and at everything really.

“This is going to take hours to clean.” I hear Percy groan.

I turn my head to look at him, still carefully and gently dusting off the small boys face. I frown, “I think with the three of us helping out. It wouldn't take that long actually, it might just be much easier and quicker.” I honestly state.

It's true.

It's a lot of mess.

I would openly admit that but with all of us helping it wouldn't take that many hours to clean up. I don't even know why he cooked soo much anyway, too much sauce and spaghetti and cheese but nonetheless I'm thankful he did cook for us because his cooking is freaking amazing! It's restaurant worthy, maybe it tops restaurants too— either way though, we all still need to clean this disaster.

Seriously. I am definitely going to question the blonde boy once we're done. I mean, how do you even get food like this everywhere? And I mean everywhere! He had to be playing with it or something which is very suspicious.

If I remember correctly and I most definitely do remember correctly, I had tucked him on the couch and he was fast asleep and that has to be thirty minutes or something ago.

His eyes narrow, chuckling he gestures at the two of us on the floor. “Clearly. You are both children.” He snickers.

Charlie and I gasp, loudly and dramatically too— the two of us turn to look at each other, sending a telepathic message to one another and we nod our heads in a silent agreement before turning to face the principle of a man.

His eyes are still focused on us, not watching where our hands move and then it happens within a blink of an eye.

Bits of cheese and spaghetti land smack against his once clean dark shirt and he glances down at it, raising an eyebrow up before looking back at us with a deadly look.

I don't hold back my laughter because this man deserved it and his brother doesn't back down for a second because he continues to grab anything his little hands can get ahold off and throw it in his brothers direction, like the little and sneaky ninja that he is— he hardly stops going.

My eyes stay focused on the man before us though and I go to grab Charlie, stooping him from his sudden rage.

I wrap my arms around him and move him on my lap, not caring for my clothes that are getting stained with red.

Percy seems happy that the attack stopped and slowly starts to dust and swat away the food from his body. But I eye him curiously as his eyes quickly glance at the island and he smirks to himself before looking back at us.

His hands move fast, grabbing whatever is on the island and quickly flings the contents in our direction, smugly.

Cold water, he splashes us in water! Both Charlie and I start laughing at his lame attempt to get his playfull revenge on us. “Weak.” I mutter loudly so he hears.

“You're a wimp!” Charlie snorts, shaking his head at his brother and clutching his stomach. “you threw water at us—”

Percy snickers and grabs something else, shaking and waving it in our faces making both of us shut up and stiffen on the messy floor before he throws it on us and dusty smoke is everywhere— sticky and wet, I scream.

“Oh! You are so dead!” I playfully scold.

Flour and water are not good in food fights and I know this as a baker, it's always so sticky and Charlie is attacking.

“FOODFIGHT!” The ninja screams loudly.

The next twenty minutes is spent with the three of us flinging anything and everything across the room, hitting each other and endless laughing could be heard from each of us— my small kitchen now turned into a complete war zone and I didn't even care. I loved it actually. I love that we're all bonding and that this was our escape because each and everyone of us are fighting our own silent battles that we don't speak about and this right here is enough— it always is and will forever be enough, for us all. My family.

I watch as the boys continue to throw things at each other from across the room and I smile, this really is more than enough, these two are all I'll ever need in life. I'm sure of it.

Charlie nearly slips off the counter that his climbed on to and his brother reaches out, catching him and taking the impact, falling hard against the floor with the child on top.

I crawl over to the pair, hovering over them with a huge smile on my face before jumping on them and both boys wrap their arms around me, welcoming me into their warmth and comfort— keeping me happy and fully sane.

My eyes connect with green ones that twinkle up at me with understanding and love, deep down to the core love.

His pink lips stretch into a big smile making my heart do its happy dance as I glance at the other little boy, he too, wears his brilliant smile and immediately I know that whatever we are, wherever we are and whoever we are, we may be different shades but together, we are endless.


If you could pick one scene, and only one scene, from this series, which one would it be why?


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