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The soft pitter patter of rain is the first sounds I hear when I awake. It's barely there but can still be heard because everything and everyone else is silent.

It's dark and cloudly outside, I can see it from the tall windows that I face and I can see the tiny droplets rushing down from the sky to crash against the ground. I find myself smiling at the peaceful surroundings and the smile only grows wider when the arm around me tightens.

I lean back against his hold, my head lying right under his chin. "Mm, you're warm." I murmur.

He chuckles making his breath hit right against my ear. "Go to sleep, love." He whispers, gently placing a kiss on my head and pulls me closer to his body.

I feel him dip his head, slightly, and soon his head is nuzzling itself into my neck. I breath in his minty scent and chuckle. Of course he would still smell so good even after sleeping for hours. "How come you smell so good?" I mumble and turn my body to face his.

"I had a shower around two." He says and I frown. "I didn't want to wake you, you looked so good sleeping here." He adds when he sees my expression.

I nod my head and tip it upwards, pecking his lips lightly and smiling to myself. "It's okay."

His green eyes narrow at me and his grip around me tightens again. "I want a real kiss." He groans before bending and capturing my lips with his.

He kisses me slowly and gently with one hand tangling themselves in my mess of a hair while the other slowly, almost teasingly, runs up and down my bare sides, sending shivers through my whole being.

We pull away after a while but that doesn't stop him, his nose slowly trails down my cheek, jawline and neck.

I laugh while placing my hands on his bare chest. I lightly shove him back and he grins at me and pecks my lips once more before snuggling himself more into me.

"You make me happy," I feel his breath hit against the crook of my neck as he whispers. His fingers grip onto my thigh to lift my leg over his torso.

I smile and run my fingers through his hair. "I love you." I whisper back.

He smiles and playfully nudges my nose with his. "I had to carry your fat ass here earlier, by the way." He snickers loudly and I gasp at his cheeky behavior. "I'm just joking, baby. But you were so tired, I doubt you remembered that- and I'm sorry, love, that dress loved hazard. I had to dress you in something comfortable. I hope that it is alright, you w-" I snort and shake my head when I see his red cheeks.

I stroke his hot cheek and smile up at him. "You've seen me naked plenty of times, my love, it's okay." I state.

Percy huffs and furiously shakes his head from side to side, as if I were mad or something but really, he looked more mad now than me and that alone made me laugh.

"But you were asleep."


"So, amante, it's wrong for me to-"

"Okay, I get it."

He glares at me for stopping his speech but I can't help but think of how amazing this man is, he is everything and more- I lean up against him, brushing our lips together.

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