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“Yes.” She softly breaths out, after minutes of silence and catching our breaths. I turn to look at her with my eyebrow rising, questioningly and she laughs— such a sweet sound.

Amante beams up at me, lifting herself up and immediately my eyes go down to her naked and bare chest, fucking vixen and those breast, mine, all fucking mine. I grab her again and she is quick to swat my hand away, giving me one of her cute glares that I love so much.

“We just finished— four times and it's nearly three am, what are you, a machine?” She jokes, climbing onto my lap, taking in her earlier position, only this time, I'm not buried deep inside of her.  .  . but maybe later, again.

I could never get tired of this, her fucking beautiful face and body and every fucking thing. I could never see myself get bored, not with her, never with mia amante, especially when she's a little fucking spitfire and vixen. This woman never stops amazing me, every goddamn day I learn a new thing about my woman and I fucking live for it— it's becoming my obsession and I couldn't care less to stop it.

Because she drinks tea with milk, it's better that way, she says and because her laugh makes everything seem okay.

Her hands go around my back and she smiles at me, fuck that smile is going to be the death of me! “You are so handsome.” She murmurs, slowly pressing her lips on me.

I scoff.

She has to be crazy.

I want to tell her that she looks like a fucking goddess right now, with her ass planted on me and her dark hair looking like fucking sex and messed up from my hands running through it, gripping it and pulling on it. And my marks on her skin, tainting her innocent. I want her to fucking know that this is my heaven, that she is my god.

She leans forward again, lightly pressing her soft lips to mine and she smiles against my lips, softly laughing. “Can you take me to work with you one day?” She asks, leaning back again while her fingers run through my hair, again.

I stare at her, confused at why she would ask me that. “Amante,” I slowly pull her body more to me, feeling her soft skin underneath my fingers as they dig into her and she gasps, softly but it's. . . it's cute. “You want to come to the office? Or to the undergrounds?” I ask more clearly and her sapphire eyes widen, as if she had completely forgotten about what I do, about who I am— what I am.

“Will you be fighting?”

“That depends but, with you there, maybe.”

Amante laughs, shaking her head at me but it's the fucking truth. I won't stand anyone eyeing my woman like she's some type of meat and I already fucking know that'll happen because my workers are horny fucking bastards.

Everything falls silent.

She stares at my face, curiously.

And I stare at her in fucking awe, she is perfection.

I run my hands up her naked sides, slowly and teasingly, even after she sends me a warning look. I ignore it. I fucking love this, touching her and getting her sweet reactions. I had never known someone like her existed, someone who would be the death of me— sophia rose.

She is so fucking addictive. I'm fucking losing my mind.

I bury my head in her crook, sucking on her neck and inhaling her scent. I could never get tired, never ever.

My hand lets go of her and slowly inches down her body, connecting with her wet center and is she fucking soaking or what. “My little tiger.” I tut, teasingly and she growls at me. “What was that, amante?” I rub her clit, slowly to annoy her and she whimpers, probably ready to glare.

“Stop being so annoying!”

“Oh? Me trying to fuck you is annoying?”

“Percyyyyyyyyyyyy! Just stop being so ann—”

I quickly shove my fingers inside her and she fucking clenches around me, still so fucking tight! God I love this pussy, I fucking swear. “Ready for me, baby girl?” I ask.

“Yes, sir.” She softly breaths and I move back, watching her reaction while my fingers move inside of her heat. I raise an eyebrow up at her, loving that fucking word, sir. She whimpers, staring at me and bitting that fucking luscious pink lips. “Because that's what you are, okay? Mr King?”

Fucking hell.

She must as well fuck me again.

Because fuck, my cock is so hard for her again.

“Yes,” She says again, more clearly now and I frown at her, what does she want? Her small hand grips my hair tightly.

I lean forward and press my lips to her collar bone, loving her little gasp. “What is it, baby? What do you want?”

My lips move more down, biting on her breast and my eyes flicker up at her before taking her hard nipple into my mouth, sucking and nipping at it while she tries to speak.

“Oh god,”

“Percy— just. . . w— wait!”

I pull away from her. “I just want to love you.”

Doesn't she fucking know? That she's got me hooked, spelled or whatever the fuck you'd like to call me but I fucking know what I am and that's one, obvious, thing.

I'm fucking addicted, to this, to her, to her out of this world body. I can't stop myself or my hands from wondering on their own because the need to touch her all the time is real, to feel if she is real. Sometimes it feels too calm, to peaceful and wonderful to be real. Specifically, for her to be real— I'm sure everybody knows that she's too innocent, too kind and caring and a sweetheart. And her beauty.

Sophia is fire and I want to keep touching it— some burns are pleasure, her burns are pleasure, everything about her.

She goes red faced and pecks my lips. “My love.” She whispers against me and I smirk. “In a few minutes, okay?”

Sophia's eyes shine down at me, so many emotions inside those gorgeous that I admire and love so much and I know, whatever she wants to say right now— it has to be something important and hard for her. I can sense that.

And I can see it, by the way her forehead slightly creases and by the way her teeth pierce into her pink bottom lip.

Her fingernails, longer now, scratch my skin. It moves from my back to my front, nothing painful, just calm and nice feeling and she continues to do it for a few long seconds.

I cup her chin, lifting her head to connect our eyes. “Amante, what's the matter?” I ask, slowly pulling her back to me, so fucking warm like always and she pouts at me.

I keep my fingers stuffed in her tight pussy, refusing to remove myself from her, wanting to stay buried forever.

“Yes. I want to move to London, with you and Charlie.”

hi, i know i'm a day late and for that i am soo sorry. lol. :) ❤

It's July fourth in America? Since it's Corona time, how is everyone spending their day and stuff? And even if you don't celebrate it, tell me what you're up to?

(I was meant to post this yesterday sorry.)

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