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He was out of control and slowly he would start to spiral into something dark and dangerous— I hated it and cursed myself a thousand times over because I had failed.

I had failed the little boy and his dead mother's wishes, she's probably looking down at me and shaking her head in disappointment and I wouldn't even blame her because I am utterly disappointed in myself with this outcome.

I had two years to work with him, he was so good and sweet and now all I see is anger from the boy, his crazed.

He should have stayed with his brother instead. I could look after kids, sure, it was my forte and one of the easiest most enjoyable things I could do but bringing up and raising a child is a completely different ball game that I so shamelessly lost— I am useless with trying to better him.

A small hand tugs at my arm and I let my hand down, allowing him to hold my hand in his little warm ones.

I don't look down at him though, I can't, and I know he wants me to look at him and tell him something, anything but I just simply can not, the only thing on my mind is,

I have failed.

I had failed love and now parenting.

The car drive back to the apartment is silent, no one dares to speak which is good. I don't feel for conversing now.

I watch as the familiar roads, trees, people and places all past by in a blur and my mind runs in the silence, questioning myself on what to do when we're back at the apartment— I'll obviously need to say something.

But what could I possibly say that'll work?

I've literally tried everything I could have thought off and maybe it's because I'm not hard enough with him.

I'm much too lenient on him with everything he does and says, that is my problem but how can I be too hard on him? Technically he isn't my child. I can't boss him around.

“Charlie,” King's voice thunders in the silence.

I turn to eye him, patiently waiting to hear what he has to say to his naughty brother, they're both the same, in a way.

“I can't send you to that nice school that you asked for if you continue behaving like this, buddy.” He says and I gasp, shocked and confused, what school is he talking about and why didn't Charlie himself tell me about it.

“I know.” The boy quietly mumbles.

I frown. “What school did he want to attend?”

Immediately he takes action and shifts on me, facing me with a huge smile on his face and cheeks flushed but still, he has those glassy teary eyes that makes my heart ache.

“The one near Rosewood!” He beams.

I stare at him. “How do you know about it?”

He glances at the window, watching the town pass by as he thinks and looks back at me. “Everyone talks about it and— and some kids in my class, they are going there in high school. It's only for high school.” He states.

I nod my head and humm, turning to look at his brother. “You're thinking of sending him to Rosewood High, with the rich folks?” I question and he nods his head yes.

I chew on my lip and look away from the pair, deep in thought about numerous things that have been crowding my mind and now the new school in the next decade is added to my already messed up mind— I could never afford that and yeah I know King could sort it all out, it is his brother after all but Rosewood is a town next which means I would have to move if I ever want to let him go to that school and I don't think I could ever do that, move.

How would we even survive in Rosewood?

Everything in that place cost over a hundred bucks. I've only ever known about rich people staying on those parts.

The Blackwell's, Kingsley's, Marie's, Andersons and Conwells— those five are big names around here and in there. I remember mum saying those old folk are ruthless and cunning— oh god, I just got the shivers from thinking.

Never mind that, moving is a huge factor but what about Charlie? They'd kick him out as soon as he starts his trouble making, that would be much worse than a move.

“I won't move.” I say into the silence just as the car comes to a stop in the parking of the apartment complex. “I can not leave my life here, Charlie.” I look down at his face.

“But I want you to come.”

“And I can't.”

His pink lips tremble and tears start to fall out of his green eyes— add this to one of the reasons I currently hate myself. I'm making a child cry, something I've never done.

Little fist bang at my chest in anger but it doesn't hurt much and my hands reach out to stop him but King's hand reaches out and grabs the little angry sad boy off my lap.

I don't wait around to see the show because I know I'm being selfish about this but this is my life, everything and everyone I know is here, this place has been my whole life since forever. I can't just give it all up like its nothing.

I push the door open and the house phone rings as I shut the door. “Hello?” I greet as soon as I pick up the phone.

“Sophia, how are you?” Roxanne's voice greets and I smile to myself, it's been a whole month since I've heard from her and dad. “I have some good news for you.” She chirps.


Good news.

I've learnt that her and good news never work hand in hand for anything so hopefully she doesn't give me an heartache right now. I already have a big load on my plate.

“Well out with it then.”

“Dunley and I are coming to America!”


I really love your energy with Charlie.😂😂😂😂😇❤️ I can't wait for you guys to read more about him. His such a naughty little guy.😢

What would have done if he was your child?

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