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The drive back to the gathering was short and silent, the only sounds that could be heard was the wind and the low rumble of the cars engine, and I hated it, everything about this awkward silence that he forced us into.

I would normally enjoy my silence, it would allow me time to think and figure out my feelings but right now I didn't want that, I didn't care for it. I already knew the direction my head, heart and feelings were and I certainly did not want to think either— I wanted to act but I couldn't.

I really wanted to scream at him and the need to punch him across the chest as well was high. . . maybe.

Do people do that? I asked myself, trying to figure out what I could be missing. Do they declare their love and walk out? Offering the silent treatment to the one they love?

I didn't know what to think about it but one thing was for sure, I was angry and embarrassed, I'll admit that much, I couldn't understand this back and forth thing we kept playing at and frankly, I was not a fan of it either.

I hated the cat and mouse game, so fucking much.

And I wasn't about to continue playing it.

I love Percy, I do.

More than I should perhaps, especially since I've known him for less than a month but I can not control my feelings for this man but also I refuse to play this game.

The sleek black car comes to a stop in front of my childhood home and I jump out, ignoring his quiet wait.

It's almost funny when I pass by Brittany, hovering near the entrance way— planning to escape the wrath of old people, probably, and I almost go to tell her that theres a guy out side who could use some head right now. Almost.

Mrs Finleys eyes sparkle with happiness and excitement when she spots me stepping into the backyard with the chocolately goodness in my hand. It's instantly then that my mood brightens up, not only because of her smile and kind us but also for the joy and excitement and happiness around these backyards— it's nostalgic to me.

“Now, where is that young handsome man that went out with you?” The old woman peers over my shoulder, wiggling her eyebrows at me and I roll my eyes at her.

I lean in towards her ear, “Brittany, was out front.” I whisper as if it's some sort of dirty little secret, and it could be.

She gasps, her eyes wide and her mouth gaping as her small hands reach out to cover her mouth. Oh good lord, why are old people so cute? I chuckle at her behavior and nod my head firmly, I'm not lying by any means.

Brittany was out front.

And King hasn't been back for five minutes now.

I feel my heart squeeze in jealous at the thought of that girl with him in her mouth or with him inside of her.

But really, I only have myself to blame.

I was egging him and feigning stubbornness and hurt when really I've been wanting to latch my lips against his from the moment I spotted him across the street.

I practically forced him to tell me he loves me and right now I can picture what my mother would say if she heard of this— you don't do that, Sophia, if someone loves you, you would know it by their actions. They don't need to say it for you to believe it. You believe it because you see it. He would have told you in his time.— I internally groan at the lecture running through my head like a broken record.

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