Chapter 1 - Welcome to The Mafia Family

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"Oh my gosh! I'm running late!" I shouted to myself as I ran as fast as I could to the train station which is a five-minute walk from my apartment. Luckily, I got onto the train just as the doors were about to close. I took a look at my watch as the train left the station and saw it was 8:15am. The train ride takes half an hour and then it's a fifteen-minute walk to the magazine company where I work. So I should make it to work on time.

I work as a writer for the most popular magazine in Fiore, Sorcerer Weekly. I only started six months ago and I already love it. It has been my dream to work here since high school. At the moment, I write small stories like a kitten stuck in a tree, a new restaurant opened, things like that but that's getting boring. I want to work on the big stories. All the other writers who started working around the same time I did are all working on bigger stories. So, why won't Jason let me work on a big story?! Oh, I forgot to mention Jason is my supervisor.

Anyway, I managed to arrive at the office at nine o'clock. Jason walked up to me and put a file on my desk. "Lucy, I want you to work on writing about the play being featured at Magnolia Theatre and I want it to be on my desk by the end of the week" he said. He was about to leave but I spoke up. "Jason, when are you going to give me a big story? Everyone else has worked on at least one within a month of working here. You even said I was one of the best writers here" I asked. "Lucy this has been the seventh time you've asked me this month. A lot of these big stories are dangerous and I don't want to lose my best writer" he replied and then walked away to his desk.

I pouted, 'I could handle these big stories if he would just let me. What do you think Mama?' I thought as I looked at my photo of Mama on my desk. "What have you got on the mafia story?" I overheard Jason talking to my friend Yukino. "I found out from a contact of mine that the Fairy Tail mafia and the Sabertooth mafia are going to meet 'Downtown Over Cathedral Kardia' at midnight tonight" Yukino said. Something about what she just said sounded weird. Why would two big mafias slip up about a meeting place? It would be suicide. Unless...

I wrote the words down on a piece of paper and found their true meeting location.

D owntown

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The docks.

Later, as soon as work finished, I ran to the train station and took a train to the nearest train station to the docks. When I arrived at the docks, I found a secluded part of the fence and made sure no one would see me before climbing over it. I found a hiding spot between two shipping containers and made myself comfortable. 'I will show Jason I can handle these stories' I thought with determination.

It was midnight and there was still no sign of either mafia. 'Maybe I was wrong about the meeting place' I thought and then I heard some people approaching. I peeked out from my hiding spot and saw two groups of three. On the left was a blonde male with a black-haired male and black-haired female behind them. On the right was a pink-haired male with a raven-haired male and red-haired female behind him.

"It's nice to see you again Natsu" the blonde male said with a smirk. "Cut the crap Sting" the pink-haired male replied harshly. "Fine. Why did you call me here?" Sting asked. "Some of your men have been trespassing on my turf. Care to explain?" Natsu demanded. "I'm looking for someone who just so happens to be on your turf" Sting replied. 'I wonder who he's talking about' I wondered and then a man's hand covers my mouth from behind. "Mmph!" I muffled as he pulled my hands behind my back and pulled me to my feet. "Shut up Blondie unless you want a bullet in you" his gruff voice said in my ear. I froze at his threat, scared for my life. 'What have I gotten myself into?!' I thought as he pulled me away somewhere.

He dragged me to a black van in the car park, slid it open and shoved me inside with him. I finally saw what he looks like. He had long messy black hair, red eyes and instead of eyebrows he had metal studs. He forcefully sat me on one of the seats, tied my hands behind my back, tied my legs together and then put a cloth gag in my mouth and tied it behind my head. With a grunt, he sat on the seat near the slide door and opened up an old issue of Sorcerer Weekly.

Suddenly I heard gunshots echoing in the distance. The man chuckled, "sounds like they're having fun" he said before going back to looking at the models in the magazine. As more time passed I was getting more and more scared. 'Will they kill me?' I wondered as my anxiety raised. "Looks like they're back" the man said and I felt like my heart was going to beat out my chest in fear.

He slid open the van door and I saw the pink-haired male named Natsu, the raven-hair male and red-haired female walking towards us. "Hey Boss, I found this Blondie sneaking around" the man said. "Good job Gajeel" Natsu said and then his eyes widened a bit when he saw me. "Well look who we have here. Lucy Heartfilia" he said with a smirk and then pulled the cloth gag out of my mouth.

"How do you know my name?" I asked nervously. Natsu pulled out his smartphone out of his suit pocket and typed a few buttons before putting the phone up to his face. "What do you want Boss?" I heard a familiar voice come out of the phone which I guessed Natsu made a video chat. The voice sounded like my long lost big brother who disappeared three years ago but that would be impossible, he would never be associated with a mafia.

"Guess who snuck into our mafia meeting with Sabertooth" Natsu said smirking to the guy on the phone before turning to phone to me. "Lucy?!" the guy on the phone exclaimed which did turn out to be my long lost big brother Laxus. "Laxus!" I cried out of happiness and fear. Happy that I saw my big brother again but scared about what they were going to do to me. "Natsu, you son of a bitch if you hurt my sister-" Laxus threatened and then Natsu turned the phone back on himself. "Chill Laxus, I'm not going to hurt your sister but I can't let her go now that she knows. Meet me in my office at HQ" Natsu said before ending the call without hearing Laxus' reply. He looked back at me with a smirk and said "welcome to the mafia family."

Welcome to the Mafia FamilyWhere stories live. Discover now