1. Drinking the Pain Away

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"One more please," I ordered Lisa at the bar.

"I think you've had enough for one night, don't you think?" Lisa advised.

But I wasn't looking for an advice today. I wanted to drink until my feelings were numb. Today was the first anniversary of David's death. This is the day he was ripped away from me. It should've been me that is laying in that casket, not him.

"No Lisa, I don't think I've had enough so just keep pouring," I ordered.

"I'm sorry Anna, Kevin asked me to cut you off after a certain number of drinks. You've been coming here every weekend for a year. I can't imagine the damage you've done to your body already. You can't keep doing this to yourself," Lisa looked at me with pity.

"This is a bar and I want another goddamn drink, dammit!" I cried. I knew I was acting like a child but I didn't care. "And tell Kevin to fuck off. He is not my father!"

"Just give the lady another drink for God's sake," a deep and husky voice spoke next to me and I noticed him for the first time.

A man who looked about my age sat next to me. He had shoulder-length messy black hair that was tied back in a ponytail. He wore a long-sleeved hoodie with rolled-up sleeves. His arms were covered in tattoos. He also has a tattoo of some sort of symbol on his neck. I wondered what it meant. He kept his eyes on Lisa instead of looking at me so I couldn't see his face clearly. He took a cigarette out of his pocket and put it in his mouth. Still not looking at me.

"You heard the man, gimme another!" I said after being encouraged by a stranger.

Kevin stepped out of the back and strode towards me. I was in trouble now. He was a friend of my father and the owner of this bar. He knew me since I was six years old so in a way, I was like a daughter to him.

"I think it's time you get home Anna," he said grimly.

"I'm not done drinking, Kevin! Why can't you let me have another one? I need it to feel good," I cried.

Sadness enveloped in Kevin's face. "I know you are hurting honey, but this isn't a good way to cope. David wouldn't want to see you like this," Kevin said.

"Don't you dare mention his name to sway me you old bastard," I burst into tears. I've been trying not to think about him all day but failed miserably.

I stood up abruptly. I was slightly dizzy but sober enough to walk.

"Fine, I'm leaving. I don't need your pity anyways," I said and stormed out of the bar.

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