8. Making it Official

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He looked back and forth between the piece of paper in front of him and me.

"A contract?" Isaac asked.

"Of course. There are house rules. You think I'll just let anyone move in and do whatever they want!" I exclaimed.

"You mean I can't break down the walls and expand the kitchen and dining area into a mini-golf course?" he smirked.

"Yes...that's another one. I'm putting that in the contract too," I laughed.

"Well shucks," he remarked then looked at the paper. "Hmm...lets see, rule number three: do not force yourself on your roommate. What you think I am, some type of pervert?" he raised his eyebrows.

"Just covering all the basics," I shrugged.

"Rule number four: Do not eat my thin mint cookies," Isaac read and frowned. "Well, that just seems unfair."

"I don't care, don't touch my cookies or I will end you," I glared at him.

"Fine, the conditions are fine with me," he said and signed it.

"Also, treat Elvis like he came out of your own womb," I declared.

"Well other than the fact I am a man and do not possess a womb, I will treat Elvis as my own dog-son," Isaac smirked.

"Perfect, you are now moving in ready. Welcome home," I said.

This was a week before he moved in. I can't believe I actually let it happen. A very intimidating looking man was moving in with me and I knew absolutely nothing about him!

"I also have some rules of my own," Isaac said after he moved in.

"What's that?" I asked.

"I am going to keep things to myself so don't ask me anything about my career or personal life. Is that something you can do, Anna?" he said and gazed at me intensely.

I gulped. It'd definitely drive me crazy not to know more about him but I suppose I can manage. It wasn't like I was interested in dating him or something so I didn't need to know about him.

"I..I won't ask. I promise. I can write that in the contract if you like," I said.

"No need. I trust you," Isaac smiled. "By the way, do I get to eat some of your delicious meals sometimes?" he asked.

I beamed. I haven't cooked for anyone since David died even though it was something I enjoyed immensely. This will be a good opportunity to brush up on my cooking skill again.

"Yes! You can have anything I cook!" I chirped.

"You are too good to be true, Anna Lynch," he said in a husky voice. He was only a few inches away from my face so I was feeling a little nervous. He brushed a strand of hair away from my face, making me blush.

"Sorry, your hair was falling in your eyes so I couldn't help it," he said quietly.

My heart started to race when he stood so close to me. I couldn't possibly live with him under the same roof if I can't simply stand near him! I stepped back a little and chuckled nervously.

"Ah, thanks. I..I am gonna go to my room now," I stammered and ran away from him. I closed the door to my room and tried to calm down. Why does he have this weird effect on me?

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