46. An Accident

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Isaac's P.O.V.

When Anna told me about the accident, something didn't sit right with me. I wanted to look into it farther to see what really happened that night. I wondered if Josh could tell me more about it. He hated my guts so I doubted he'd be any help. I decided to talk to Liliana instead.

I met up with her later that day. She was surprised to hear from me but agreed right away.

I saw her sitting at the table at the restaurant and approached her.

"Hey, thank you for coming to see me," I said and sat down in front of her.

"Hey, I was surprised to hear from you but glad you called anyway," she smiled flirtatiously. "So to what do I owe this pleasure? Are things not working out with Anna anymore?"

"No, it's nothing like that. I just wanted to ask you more about the accident that killed David," I went straight to the point.

Liliana looked like I caught her off guard. "Why do you want to know?"

"I am just trying to understand Anna more. She doesn't want to talk about it too much since it's too painful for her so I wanted to ask you about your experience," I said.

"I see...well, I don't remember much. I remember we were going on that road trip and the accident happened. I was unconscious for a while. When I woke up, I saw Josh hovering over David, checking his pulse. He told me he was dead," Liliana said sadly. "Anna was the last one to wake up. She started screaming and crying. I managed to calm her down while Josh called for help. That's all I remember," she said.

"It's kind of strange that he was the only one who died in that crash," I said distractedly.

"I know, poor Anna. She always had bad luck following her everywhere. When she got together with David, I was sure they were going to be together forever. I had been popular with boys in high school but she only dated David. The only other boy liked her was Josh but David snatched her up before he could. I bet things would've been different for her now if she had chosen Josh," she said.

"Was Josh jealous of Anna when they got married?" I asked.

"Oh, yea. He came to the wedding but I remembered him moping around the entire time," Liliana laughed. "Poor guy got friend-zoned pretty hard."

A crazy idea came across my mind. What if Josh had something to do with David's death. I knew it was far fetched and I was probably thinking that since I never liked the guy, but I've always been proud of my strong intuition.

"Thanks for the info Liliana, it helped," I said and got up.

Thoughts were racing inside my mind when I got home. I needed to find out more things about Josh. My intuition tells me he is not as good as he seemed. I couldn't tell Anna about my suspicions since they were close friends. She will most likely rule it off and call it my jealousy so I decided to find out the truth by myself.

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