13. Friendly Suspicion

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The next day, I pretended like last night never happened. I woke up early and made some pancakes from scratch.

"What smells so good?" Isaac walked in the kitchen, yawning.

"Good morning! Want some pancakes?" I asked.

"Fuck yeah, that looks good!" Isaac said excitedly. His eyes were glinting.

I couldn't help but laugh. "You are acting like you've never had pancakes before," I said and put two pancakes on his plate.

"That's because I haven't. At least not homemade, fresh ones like these," Isaac said and started to stuff his mouth.

"You made breakfast like this for your hubby?" he asked then paused. "Sorry, I shouldn't have said that. I know it's a sore subject for you."

"No that's okay. Yeah, I did sometimes. Pancakes were his favorite," I said.

"Well, now it looks like it's my favorite too," Isaac smiled.

I don't know why but that made me blush. I need to stop blushing at all of his compliments because it was starting to get embarrassing.

I watched him down those pancakes then proceeded to wash the dishes but he stopped me.

"I'll get those," he said and started to do the dishes.

Aside from the occasional blood and gore, he really is the perfect roommate.

"Your shirt, it's clean now. I hung it in the laundry room," I told him.

He looked at me for a moment as if remembering about last night. "Are you sure you are okay? I didn't freak you out last night?"

"I'm fine," I smiled. "I'm not one to make a big deal out of things," I said.

"Good," he said.

I headed to work at the bookstore. I didn't have the most glamorous job but this was something I enjoyed doing. With my savings and the insurance money I collected after David's death, I was getting by just fine. Since the house was already paid off, I didn't have to worry about mortgage payments either.

"I need to talk to you, Anna," Josh said as soon as I entered the store.

"Can it wait? I need to open the cafe," I said.

"Sure, how about lunch break?" he asked.

I agreed. I wondered what was it all about.

"Who is that scary guy who visited you yesterday?" Josh asked.

Straight to the point, huh.

"A scary guy?" I squinted my eyes.

"The big, tall guy with long hair? I saw him coming out of your house yesterday," Josh said.

"Why were you outside of my house?" I was confused.

"I wanted to see if you wanted to go to dinner but I saw him coming out so I didn't," Josh said. He sounded annoyed.

"Oh, he is a friend of mine?" I said.

"A friend? How come I've never seen him? Jesus Anna, you shouldn't get involved with a guy like that. He looks dangerous," Josh said.

Okay, he was starting to get on my nerves now. What right does he have to talk to me about who I should and shouldn't associate with?

"You don't even know him, Josh. I can be friends with someone other than you. It's none of your business," I said firmly.

Josh's eyes softened. "I'm just trying to look out for you. You haven't been acting like yourself since David passed and I am worried about you."

"I appreciate that. I just don't want you to judge him so harshly without knowing him, okay?" I said.

"Fine, how about you bring him to the bar next week so we can meet?" Josh offered.

I thought about it. I guess it wouldn't hurt. I'm only going to make things worse by trying to hide Isaac. I'll let him meet people I'm close to so they are not suspicious of me and him.

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