28. A Blank Space

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I couldn't look him in the eyes directly when he came back home. I suddenly felt self-conscious, like, does my hair look okay? What if he thinks I'm easy? Was it just a one night stand? Ugh...I'm going to go crazy.

I caught him stealing glances at me every now and then. He smirked once our eyes met. I quickly looked at the salmon on the stove and stared at it hard as if it'll burn if I don't.

He suddenly got up and walked toward me but I kept my eyes on the stove the whole time. He then stood behind me. Why was he standing so close to me?

"Anna," he whispered loudly in my ears, making me almost drop my spatula.

"Jeez...why...what?" I stammered.

He grabbed my shoulder then forced me to turn around and look at him. "Why are you trying to avoid me?" he asked.

"Me? Avoiding you? I am not," I feigned shock.

"Mhm...are you uncomfortable because of what we did? You can tell me if you want," he said gently.

"Um...a little," I said hesitantly.

"Why?" he asked and grazed my lips with his thumb.

"I don't know..I guess I am a little confused," I said quietly.

"There's nothing to be confused about. I like you a lot so I wanted to make love to you. It's as simple as that," he said and smiled reassuringly.

He likes me a lot? My heart did a little flip after hearing that.

"I guess I like you too," I said. "But only a little!" I quickly added.

He chuckled. "Sure. Whatever you say, sweetheart," he said. His dark eyes lit up as he laughed. Liliana was right. He is gorgeous.

His phone rang suddenly so he let go of me to answer it. I went back to concentrate on my cooking.

"I don't care how, just get it done!"

I heard him yell at the phone. Must be someone from his work.

"If I don't see that motherfucker Darren on his knees by Wednesday, I'm going to personally come over there and take care of you," he said in a low and menacing tone. "And trust me, you don't want that," he added.

I was honestly scared for that Darren guy and whoever was on the phone. I've never heard him talk like that before. He sounded scary.

He hung up then brought his attention back to me. "Sorry about that," he was back to his friendly self again. The anger on his face disappeared and he was smiling again. I'm sleeping with a goddamn psychopath.

"I heard nothing," I shrugged.

He traced his fingers on my back, sending goosebumps all over my body.

"I would never hurt you, you know that right?" he said and placed a small kiss on the back of my neck. I shivered.

"Yes," I said quietly. But the truth of the matter is, I didn't know. I still didn't know who he really was but I wanted to know more about him. He was like a huge blank space that needed to be filled out.

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