27. Don't Stick Your Nose Where It Doesn't Belong

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I decided to call in sick as I was completely drained out of energy thanks to stupid Isaac and his insatiable appetite for sex. My body was sore and done for. All I wanted to do was sleep all day. After he woke me up with his surprise, I threw a pillow at him and told him to get out of my room. He just flashed me those annoyingly cute dimples and left. Bastard.

Remembering last night and this morning made me feel all hot and bothered again but then I remembered something else.


Shoot, he will hate me when I turn him down again. I should've never gone out with him in the first place. But then again, I never would've guessed in a million years that I'll end up in bed with Isaac. I didn't even think I was his type, let alone his object of desire.

I dragged myself out of bed and got in the shower. Maybe I'll go for a walk and clear my head. Think about what I've done. Surprisingly, I didn't feel any regrets. I just felt...happy. It had been so long since I wanted someone the way I wanted him last night. His dark eyes were so full of lusts and longing as we made love, it made me feel like I was the most beautiful woman in the world.

I took Elvis out for a walk around the neighborhood. One of my neighbors, Mrs. Perret saw me and waved at me so I waved back.

"Anna! Hi! I haven't seen much of you lately," she cried from the other side of her yard.

"Hi, Mrs. Perret, it's good to see you again," I yelled back. Mrs. Perret had always been a nosy and annoying neighbor. David and I used to call her Mrs. Parrot as she wouldn't stop running her mouth and repeating gossips.

Thinking about David made me sad again. I wonder if he was cursing me out from above for giving my body to another man. Or is he be happy for me?

Mrs. Perret ran up to me before I walked farther. She started to pant as she was out of breath. She was barely 10 feet away, get some exercise lady, jeez.

"So, Anna. I have been meaning to ask you about something," she said.

"Oh? What's that?" I asked.

"Say, Anna, do you have a new boyfriend already?" she asked me straight away.

"Ehh...a boyfriend? Not that I know of," I joked.

"Oh, I was just wondering because Carol told me last night she saw a tall, handsome man going in and out of your house every day," Mrs. Perret raised her eyebrows and stared at me quizzically.

"Oh yeah, that's Isaac. He is staying with me for a few days that's all," I tried to act casual. Saying his name made me think of last night and this morning. Please don't let this nosy witch see me blush, I said in my head.

"A man like that!?" Mrs. Perret exclaimed.

"Excuse me, a man like what exactly?" I asked. Suddenly feeling annoyed at her.

"You know...he just seems so...not from our world. You know what I am saying?" she shrugged.

"Actually, I don't know what you are saying," I said.

I knew exactly what she was trying to say. She means Isaac doesn't belong in the snooty and privileged life of the riches. Judgmental bitch.

"Just be careful. That's all I am saying," she said. "Shouldn't get involved with a guy like that honey," she cooed.

This was the second person who said that to me and I didn't like it one bit. I felt slightly protective over Isaac. These people don't even know him. Sure, they were exactly right about him coincidentally, but they still had no right to judge him. Despite his murderous nature, he was a sweet, funny, and gentle guy and last night made me realize how much I like him.

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