54. Tell Me the Truth

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"Josh? What do you mean you took care of David?" I asked again. I felt a shiver down my spine.

"Nothing, it didn't mean anything. I said that by accident," he said and released my hand.

"It does mean something. Did you do something to David? What happened during that accident?" I cried. Please let it be nothing.

Josh didn't say anything for a moment. His gaze was burning on my face. I could see a flicker of hatred in his eyes which terrified me to the core.

"Fine. You want to know what happened? I will tell you what happened that night. After you crashed the car, I was the one who gained consciousness first. Then it was David," he said.

"David was alive?" I asked. my voice was shaking.

"He was alive but badly hurt. He was bleeding profusely but he was breathing. The first thing he did was try to see if you were okay. Poor, sweet David," Josh chuckled.

"What did you do, Josh?" I whispered.

"To be fair, he was in a lot of pain and was suffering. He couldn't move. All he did was, sitting there falling in and out of consciousness. So in a way, I did him a favor. I reached over and held his breath. He was already half dying so it didn't take long before life slowly left his body." Josh's lips twisted into a cruel smile. Was this the same person who used to be so sweet and kind?

"Y...you...you killed my David?" I said in a choked whisper. "You are lying. Please tell me this is some type of sick joke!" I screamed.

"I did it for you, Anna! David didn't deserve you! You know in High School when he gave you that stupid love poem? Remember that? He didn't write that all by himself. I DID! He took all the credit and took you from me!" Josh yelled.

"You are sick and delusional! I loved David! I never even thought of you as any more than a friend. Not even once. I was never going to be yours," I said firmly. I was starting to get angry. He killed my husband then pretended to grieve with me.

"You betrayed me!" I cried. Angry tears started to stream down my cheeks. "Did you kill Kevin too?"

"What do you think?" he scoffed.

"But why? What did he ever do to you?" I gasped.

"Nothing. Kevin was innocent," Josh shook his head in sadness. "I'll admit I shouldn't have killed him. But when I saw him arguing with Isaac and saw the knife fall out of his pocket, I knew it was the perfect opportunity to frame him for his murder. The knife will be the key evidence against him. He will go to prison and out of our lives forever."

"How could you do this?" I sobbed.

"I am sorry Anna. I did it out of impulse. I knew I could never kill Isaac by myself. He is much stronger and more powerful than me so if I tried to kill him he would've killed me instead. He is a criminal after all. Killing Kevin and framing Isaac was the easiest way to get him out of our life. Now we can finally be together," Josh said and touched my face.

I immediately smacked his hand away. "Are you listening to yourself? How can I possibly with someone who murdered the people I loved? I hate you!" I said and backed away.

"You will be with me. If not willingly, then forcefully," he said and grabbed my hand. "You are coming with me, Anna. We are going to take a little trip together," he snarled at me.

"No, you are not."

We were both caught off guard as a voice spoke behind us. Josh released my hand and relief washed over me as I saw Isaac standing in front of me.

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