43. Painful Memories

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*Trigger warning: This chapter deals with child abuse*

I didn't know what to expect to hear so I braced myself for the worst.

"I got pregnant with him when I was 19. I had nothing. No money, no job, my parents were pieces of shits," Melinda said. "His father was no good either. I only slept with him once because I thought he was hot," she smiled.

I urged her to continue.

"Well, when he was born his father left me so I had to raise him on my own. I was down to the last penny. I started to sell my body to make the ends mean," Melinda said.

"Then one day, I met Frederick. He was nice and charming and treated me well. He also took an interest in Isaac. I thought he'd be a good father figure to him so I let him move in with us," Melinda took a break and drank some water.

I was starting to feel uneasy. Did Frederick abuse him?

"He lived with us since Isaac was 6 years old. Isaac was a quiet kid and very well mannered. He was also very beautiful with those messy black hair and deep brown eyes of his. He has my looks," Melinda laughed.

"What happened with Frederick?" I encouraged her to go on.

Melinda had a faraway look on her face as if she was reliving the memory.

"He...well he had a close friendship with Isaac which made me happy but I was also jealous. Fred was always whispering to Isaac like they shared some type of secret. When Isaac was ten years old, I went home early one day. I was surprised to see Frederick's truck home so I went into my bedroom and he was....." she stopped.

I wasn't sure if I wanted to hear what she was about to say. I could already feel terror growing within me.

"He was with Isaac in bed, naked," Melinda closed her eyes.

"He...he was raping Isaac," I whispered. I was horrified. I couldn't imagine the pain he went through at such a young age.

"Yes, but at the time I didn't see it that way. It felt like he was stealing my boyfriend. My own son," Melinda said.

"How could you say such a thing!" I shouted. "He was just a child!"

"I know, I was stupid and a horrible person. I screamed and shouted at them both. My little boy was so terrified and broken but I didn't notice. I was blinded by rage. I kicked Isaac out of the house," Melinda said and started to cry.

"You kicked him out," I couldn't believe what I was hearing. "What about Frederick?"

"I couldn't leave him. I was madly in love with him. He was kind to me," she said.

I couldn't believe this woman. She is disgusting.

"I found out later that Frederick had been using him for a while and selling his body to strangers until he was 14. He picked him off the streets and hid him in a place. Isaac didn't protest because he was afraid of him. Then one day Isaac met Robert Allen," Melinda said.

"Who is Robert Allen?" I asked her. I wasn't sure if I wanted to hear her talk anymore as I would rather strangle her.

"The CEO of Giacomo Inc. He took him under his wing and one day I found Frederick's sliced up body on my bed," Melinda exhaled. "I wasn't even mad or sad because that bastard deserved it. I don't know why they spared me," she shook her head.

Because you are his mother and Isaac is kind-hearted underneath that tough exterior, I thought in my head.

My heart filled with sadness for him and I wanted to hold him in my arms.

"I'm going to go now Melinda," I said and stood up.

"Will you help me talk to him?" she asked desperately.

"I'm sorry Melinda but I can't help you. You are a disgusting human being. You don't even look remorseful for not being able to protect him! He doesn't deserve a mother like you," I said sternly then left.

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