49. Say It Isn't So

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"NOOOO! Kevin!" I cried and ran up to him, hoping it wasn't too late.

Kevin was sprawled across the floor, on top of his own pool of blood. His throat was slashed open. There was no doubt in my mind that he was dead.

I knelt in front of him and sobbed incessantly. My own father was long gone so he was the only father figure I had left. He had always been kind to me and took care of me and now he was gone forever. Why did I have to lose another person who was important to me so soon?

I took my phone out in shaky hands and called the police.

After they arrived, I sat in a corner and sobbed while they searched the area for evidence.

I tried to call Isaac but he didn't answer.

An officer approached me.

"Hello, I am detective Joseph Martin. I understand this must be quite distressing for you but would you mind answering a few questions for me?" he said.

I wiped my tears off. It was time to pull myself together. Sitting here bawling my eyes out won't help Kevin's case.

"Y...yes, of course. Ask me anything," I said.

"Well, first thing first. What is the nature of your relationship with Kevin?" he asked.

"He was like a father to me. I have known him since I was a child," I said. Tears started to stream down my eyes again.

"I see. I am very sorry for your loss," detective Martin offered.

"Thank you. I just don't understand! Who would want to hurt Kevin? He was a nice guy," I cried.

"Did he have any enemy?" he asked.

"Not that I know of. As I said, he was a nice guy and never harmed anyone," I said.

"We will look into it, don't worry. Think hard. See if you can come up with a person who'd have a reason to kill him," he said.

Excuse me," detective Martin said suddenly and headed towards another officer as she called him over for something. I didn't move from my place. My mind was spinning. I couldn't think of a single person who'd want to hurt Kevin.

Detective Martin talked to the other officer for a few more minutes. She handed him a plastic bag which he studied carefully. After a moment he walked back to me.

"It appears that we found the murder weapon," he said and held up a plastic bag in front of me. "Take a look and see if you recognize this knife."

I took the bag off of his hand and inspected it carefully. It was a nice Italian switchblade knife. The handle had leather and the blade was made of high-quality steel. Something was engraved on the handle so I tried to read what it says.

I. E. Walker

I kept looking at the name as if to make sure I was seeing it correctly. A terrifying realization hit me but I refused to acknowledge it.

I. E. Walker? Isaac E. Walker? This was the knife Isaac told me about. His favorite knife that went missing which was now covered in Kevin's blood. I sat down to steady myself.

No...this can't be, I thought to myself.

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