31. Demons and Nightmares

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"No...stop, I don't want to! Get the fuck away from me!"

I jolted awake on my bed when I heard Isaac screaming next door. He must be having a nightmare.

I quickly got up and ran inside his room, worried.

"Isaac! Wake up! You are having a bad dream," I cried and tried to shake him awake.

"NO! Stop, it hurts!" he shouted, his body was trembling violently.

"Isaac!" I yelled again and shook him.

His eyes snapped open. He grabbed my hand suddenly and held it right. He pulled me down roughly all of a sudden and covered my body with his.

"Isaac it's me, Anna," I said frantically, hoping he was finally awake.

I guess my final words finally got through him and he woke up fully. He looked down on me with frightful eyes.

"Anna? Shit, I'm sorry," he said and released his grip on me. He sat up abruptly.

"You were having a nightmare," I said gently and rubbed his back. His shirt was soaked with sweat and he was breathing heavily. I kept stroking his back until his breathing turned normal.

"You shouldn't have come. I could've hurt you. Let me see your arm," he said and started to inspect my arm to see if he bruised it.

"I am fine. Are you okay?" I asked.

"Yeah, it's nothing. I get nightmares sometimes. It's no big deal," he let out a nervous laugh.

No big deal? That's not what it looked like. He sounded terrified, like a little boy.

"Your shirt is all wet, here, let me take it off," I said and started to unbutton his shirt.

"Nice excuse to get me naked, Anna Lynch," he smirked, already going back to his normal self.

"Stop joking around, you really had me worried there. What did you dream about that got you all riled up?" I asked.

His face turned gloomy again. "It's nothing, just a dream. Don't worry about me," he forced a smile.

I moved forward and hugged him. "Y...you don't have to act tough with me. It's okay to rely on other people sometimes," I whispered.

"I really am fine Anna, just go back to bed," he smiled and cupped my cheeks. "But thanks for coming to check on me. Next time don't get this close as I could've hurt you in my sleep. Just throw a pillow at me or something," he laughed.

I nodded and left the room. This was the first time I saw a vulnerable side to this guy. He always looked so tough and strong, it was hard to imagine him being scared of anything. But tonight when I hugged him and felt his heart hammering against his chest, I realized he was fighting his demons all by himself. I wish I could help him.

I laid down and closes my eyes, still thinking about him. I should've insisted on staying with him tonight.

I was just about to fall asleep, but suddenly, I felt someone slip under the covers with me. I guess he changed his mind, I thought, and smiled against my pillow.

"Anna, you sleeping?" he put his arms around my back and whispered.

"Mhm..." I said.

"Is it okay if I hold you while I sleep? Just for tonight," he asked.

"Yes," I said quietly.

"I'm not scared or anything, it's...a...little cold in my room and y...you are...warm, " he added lamely.

Nice excuse, silly man.

I said in my mind and fell asleep in his arms.

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