42. Paying a Visit

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A woman picked up the call after the 5th ring. "Who is it?" she asked.

"Hi...my name is Anna and I wanted to talk to you about your son?" I said.

"Which one?" she asked.

Huh? Does Isaac have a brother? I was learning more and more things already and it was making me feel uneasy. Just how many secrets does this guy have?

"Um..Isaac," I said hesitantly.

She went silent on the other line for a moment. "Who are you? Are you a cop?" she asked.

"No no Mrs.Walker, I am his...wife," I lied so she would be more willing to talk to me.

"It's Melinda. I didn't know Isaac got married. But then again, I don't know anything about that boy. He never talks to me, he hates me," she complained.

"That's why I was calling Melinda. Maybe I can help you guys rekindle your relationship?" I offered.

"Not over the phone. Why don't you come over to my house and we can talk face to face? That way I'll know you aren't a cop," she said.

"Yes, that would be wonderful," I said quickly and noted down the address she gave me before hanging up.

If I am going to do this, I am going all the way. I didn't talk to Isaac again and decided to pay Melinda a visit. I called an Uber and headed to her house.

After a half an hour drive, I was there. The house looked old and broken down. I guess Isaac wasn't from a rich family.

I nervously knocked on the door, not knowing what to expect.

"WHO IS IT?" someone yelled from the inside. I recognized Melinda's voice.

"It's Anna, we spoke on the phone?" I said.

I heard the footsteps coming towards me then the door flew open. A woman in her mid-50s stood in front of me. She looked a little worn out and her hair was messy but she was undeniably beautiful. She had the same black hair and dark brown eyes. I guess Isaac inherited his mother's looks.

"Come in Anna," she said and I stepped inside. "Hmm...not bad, my son always had good taste in women," I blushed as she checked me out.

I took a seat in the living room.

"What did you want to talk about?" she asked.

"I was hoping you'd tell me more about Isaac? We've been toge...married for a while but he doesn't tell me anything. Especially about his childhood," I said.

Her face twisted into a frown. "I am not surprised. That boy had a rough childhood," she said.

"I want to know what happened to him when he was little and why does he hate you so much?" I asked directly.

"What business do you have asking me that?" she scowled.

"I know you want to rekindle the relationship between you and him. I can help you. But for that, I need to know everything," I insisted.

Melinda gulped. "If I tell you, you promise not to judge me?" she asked.

"I'll try my best not to," I said truthfully.

"Fine then I will tell you," she said and took a deep breath.

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