36. Don't Talk About My Woman

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Isaac's P.O.V.

My childhood. I still don't have the strength to talk about it. I try to forget about it as much as possible but the memories always come back to haunt me. Would she be able to look at me the same if I told her everything?

I am tired of hiding in the shadows. What was the point of loving someone if they couldn't see the real you?

I almost considered telling her the other night but when I stared at her bright blue eyes, the words got stuck in my throat. She is so pure, so innocent. Learning about my sick childhood would only taint our relationship farther. But I knew I couldn't hide it forever.

At least I was able to reveal my true lifestyle to her. That lifted a huge weight off of my chest. She accepted it without questioning it. How can a girl be this accepting? Which is why I can't lose her. I want to make her mine entirely.

I decided to surprise her after work by picking her up but she had left already. I went back home but she still wasn't back. I wondered where she went. She is an adult, I shouldn't worry, I told myself. But where could she have gone?

I immediately received a text from her as if she could read my mind from wherever she was.

"Going to see Kevin, text you if I need a ride," it said.

I know old Kevin and her were close so I didn't question it.

I decided to get some light workout done so I headed to the gym. The wound on my abdomen was still too fresh but that doesn't mean I should slack off.

"I didn't know you came to this gym!" someone exclaimed behind me as I started my warm-ups.

I turned around and saw Liliana staring right at me with a wide smile on her face. She ran up to me as soon as I acknowledged her.

"Hey Liliana, what are you doing here?" I asked.

"I should ask you the same thing! I've been going to this gym for a while and I've never seen you," she said.

"Well, I am kinda new in town and I usually come out after midnight like a vampire," I smirked.

"A sexy vampire,"  Liliana muttered under her breath but I heard her loud and clear.

I grinned to myself but then felt kind of bad. Sorry, Liliana, I am in love with your sister so kindly stop crushing on me, I thought to myself.

"Hey, so, I am glad I ran into you here. I was wondering if you want to go out sometimes. Maybe meet up at a club?" Liliana asked.

"Sorry, I can't," I answered quickly.

"Why not?" she looked confused. She must not be used to guys turning her down.

"I just uh...I like someone else," I said.

"Who?" Liliana asked.

"You ask a lot of questions," I laughed.

"Well, I am a little hurt that you turned me down so I think it's fair that you at least tell me that," Liliana pouted.

You know what, what the heck. Might as well just come out with it. She'd find out eventually anyway, I thought.

"Anna," I said.

"My sister? You are kidding," Liliana was surprised.

"Is that really surprising? She is smart and beautiful and we get along really well," I said.

Oh, Liliana, you have no idea how well! I thought and grinned.

"It's just...don't you think you are way out of her league?" Liliana said.

"That's a little harsh saying that about your sister, don't you think?" I said. I suddenly felt irritated toward Liliana. Who says things like that about their sister.

"I am just saying...you look like a model straight out of a magazine and she is kind of...plain. I know she is my sister and I love her to death but I can't imagine her with a guy like you," she smirked.

Okay, now I was really irritated. "Look, Liliana, I appreciate your compliments to me but you got it all wrong. Your sister is not plain. I happen to think she is really sexy. And no, I am not out of her league. That's just stupid. If you'll excuse me, I am going to continue my workout," I said.

Liliana didn't say anything and just nodded. What is up with her I wonder.

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