25. Regrets and Pleasure

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"Hey, you are awake," I said quietly.

Isaac didn't say anything and just stared at me for a moment. He looked like he just got out of the shower. He wasn't wearing a shirt and his hair was wet. Water droplets fell from his hair and made their way to his chest and abdomen. I blushed hard at the sight of his hard muscular body and looked away quickly.

"Wow, you look...." he didn't finish his sentence and kept staring at me.

His eyes followed every curve of my body, his eyes were dark and full of lust. I suddenly felt naked.

"Um...stop looking at me like that," I let out a nervous chuckle.

He just ignored what I said and moved closer to me. "How was your date?" he asked. His voice sounded deep and husky.

"It went really well actually. I might even consider going on a second date," I said and smiled.

He grabbed my shoulders all of a sudden then pushed me against the kitchen counter.

"Isaac, what..." I stopped talking when I looked at his face.

He had a dark shadow over his face and his eyes were burning on my body. He cupped my cheek with his right hand then leaned down.

"Don't go on a second date with him," he said in a hoarse whisper. His grip on my shoulder tightened. It almost hurt.

"Wh...why not?" I could barely talk as my mind was starting to turn hazy.

"Because you are mine," he said and crushed his lips on mine.

His kiss ignited the fire all over my body. His hands settled on my hips then pulled me closer until our bodies connected. His tongue moved inside my mouth hungrily as if he wanted to devour me.

I kept telling myself in my head that I should push him away but my body wanted more from him. My mouth moved on its own and I kissed him back passionately. What was wrong with me? Why can't I stop this?

He slid his hands under my dress all of a sudden. I jolted at his sudden intimate touch as he grabbed my ass to pick me up in his arms. I blushed profusely as I felt his hard erection between my legs.

He sat me down on top of the counter then brushed his lips on my neck and chest. He unzipped my dress and pulled it down farther, revealing my breasts.

"Anna," he growled and continued to kiss my naked chest. His mouth felt hot and desperate. Warmth radiated from the spot where his lips touched my chest, slowly spreading through the rest of me.

"Isaac...please...this isn't right," I whimpered and tried to urge him to stop but I felt weak and defenseless against my own desires.

"I want you," his voice came out raspy. "I've always wanted you, Anna Lynch."

No, I couldn't do it. My heart belongs to David! I jolted back to reality suddenly and pushed Isaac off of me then hopped off the counter. I couldn't have sex with someone else. I didn't have the right to feel good or be happy!

"Anna stop!" Isaac called after me but I ran inside my room and slammed the door shut. My body was burning. I could still feel his lips all over my skin. Tears started to pour out of my eyes.

I should forget about it and pretend like nothing happened tonight but I couldn't. I needed to feel good. Isaac had already ignited the fire inside my body and I needed him to extinguish it.

I'm sorry David, but I need him, I need Isaac, I thought to myself then opened the door and gasped. Isaac never left. He stood there with hunger in his eyes. He wanted me as much as I wanted him.

He saw the look on my face and immediately knew what I wanted. He grabbed me by my waist and picked me up then threw me down on the bed. He took my dress off completely. I felt a sudden rush of embarrassment as I laid there completely exposed in front of his burning gaze. I put my hands over my face.

"Don't hide your face, Anna. You are so beautiful," Isaac whispered and kissed my mouth and jaw.

My body was trembling with lust as I haven't been touched by a man in so long. I couldn't wait anymore. I needed him inside of me.

"Isaac...please...I want you inside of me," I pleaded, forgetting all the shame and regrets. Isaac didn't hesitate anymore. He positioned himself between my legs then thrust into me.

An earth-shattering moan escaped my throat as he filled me up. "I am sorry, did that hurt? Fuck...you are so tight, I should've been more gentle," he said in a worried tone then stopped moving.

"N..no..I am fine. Keep going," I managed to say between moaning. I gripped his back to steady myself as he thrusts into me again and again, melting me with pleasure.

Well... tomorrow morning is going to be really awkward.

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