3. A Failed Attempt

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As I laid there on that cold concrete I could only think of one thing, who is going to feed my dog, Elvis? Who will take care of him when I die? My parents? No. My poor puppy will be sent to a shelter because I was too dumb to take a taxi home.

I know, silly right? Here I was, bleeding from my nose with a possible concussion, not to mention about to get raped, yet I am worried about a dog. What can I say? I love that stupid dog.

"Hurry up and finish it before someone shows up," Ace urged Jake.

Jake hovered over me and unzipped my jeans then proceeded to pull it down as I laid there helplessly. I was in and out of consciousness so my fate lied on his hands completely.

Just as he about to more things to me, I heard another set of footsteps hurrying towards us.

Don't tell me there's gonna be a third one, I thought. This is not a good night for me.

I heard the sound of someone struggling followed by a loud cracking noise. I saw Ace drop on the ground in front of me with a loud thud. He looked unresponsive.

"What the fuck!" Jake yelled and stood up. "Who the fuck are....." the last part of his sentence sounded muffled as if someone held their hand over his mouth. I heard a second cracking noise then everything went silent.

I felt two muscular arms lifting me up and putting my arms around a neck. My vision was still blurry but I could make out the part of a tattoo in his neck. Was I being rescued?

"You will be okay. I got you," A man's voice spoke near my ears. He sounded warm and gentle. I buried my face on his neck.

So warm, I thought. It had been so long since I felt the warmth of another man's body. Too bad it had to happen this way. I felt him walking somewhere with me in his arms.

I guess I won't be with you yet, David, was the last thing I thought before I lost consciousness.

I woke up with a start in a hospital bed. My entire body ached. Memories of last night flooded in my brain and tears started to stream down my cheeks. I almost died. My punishment for being careless.

A nurse walked in and saw me sitting down.

"Oh Ms. Lynch, you are awake! Let me get the doctor for you," she said.

"What happened to me?" I asked the doctor when he came inside my room.

"You have several bruises on your body and busted lips. No internal injuries. You were very lucky someone found you and brought you here as soon as possible," the doctor said.

"W...was I raped?" my voice shook.

"Fortunately not," the doctor smiled reassuringly.

I let out a sigh of relief. I wasn't completely violated at least.

"Who brought me here?" I asked.

"A man with a longish black hair and tattoos brought you in but he left before we could ask any more questions. He didn't tell us his name or anything," the doctor said.

I see. I vaguely remembered someone carrying me. Someone with a tattoo on his neck.

Something clicked inside me and I remembered that guy in a hoodie at the bar. He had long black hair and tattoos! It must be him, isn't it!

I reported the incident to the police and went back home. My mind was filled with the thoughts of that mysterious man. I hope I see him again.

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