53. A Slip of the Tongue

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Josh decided to stay the night at my house despite my protests. He insisted it wasn't safe for me to be alone as a killer might be on loose. He had a point I guess. Besides, it wasn't the first time he stayed here. After David died, he stayed in the guest room to make sure I was doing okay. He is a great friend.

Then why do I feel uneasy letting him stay this time? It was as if I felt guilty because of Isaac. I knew they didn't get along and Isaac wouldn't have approved of him being so close to me. Especially since I know Josh was in love with me now.

But I couldn't focus on that right now. All I could grieve over Kevin's death. I couldn't believe he was gone.

Later that night, I said goodnight to him and went into my room. I decided to stay up and read a book. I was startled as I heard a light knock on my door.

"Anna? Are you awake?" Josh said.

I opened the door and looked at him questioningly. "Josh? What's wrong?" I asked.

"Anna, I just...can I stay with you and talk? I can't sleep," he said. He sounded weird like he had been drinking. He was staring at me intently. I felt a little uncomfortable as I was only wearing a thin nightgown. I suddenly felt self-conscious.

"Yeah, sure. Let's talk in the living room," I said and put on a robe over my nightgown.

He laid across the couch with his eyes half-closed.

"What's going on? Is there something I can do?" I was concerned.

"I am very torn up about Kevin's death. I really liked him," he said.

"Me too," I said sadly. "He was like a father to me."

"I cared about him, just like I care about you, a lot," he got up and stared at me again.

"Thank you for saying that," I said awkwardly. "I care about you too, Josh," I said.

"No, you don't understand Anna. I love you. I always have," Josh said and moved closer to me, making me nervous. A smell of alcohol suddenly hit my nostril. He had been drinking.

"Josh, I think you should go back to bad. We can talk in the morning," I said and got up but he gripped my wrist before I could leave.

"Listen to me, Anna. Forget about Isaac. He doesn't love you and understand you as I do. You and I share a common grief. First over David. Now Kevin. It'll bring us closer. Even if you don't love me now, it'll change over time. You'll see," Josh said desperately.

"Josh, please. Now is not the time to start this. Kevin was just murdered. This isn't about you and me. We have to figure out who killed him!" I said. I was annoyed at him for bringing the subject up at a time like this. Maybe letting him stay here was a huge mistake on my part.

"It was Isaac obviously! It was his knife that was used to slash Kevin's throat! He is a killer. This means you can't be with him anymore," Josh insisted.

"I don't want to discuss this right now. I am going to bed," I said and tried to get my hand out of his grasp but he held it tighter.

"Anna," he leaned over and whispered in my ears. The smell of alcohol in his breath made me feel sick. "He is going to prison for murder. You and him cannot be together anymore. But you and I can be. Forget about him. Don't let Kevin's death go in vain."

"What the hell are you talking about?" I cried.

"I am saying maybe it's a good thing. His death revealed his true nature so now you'll know it's me you need to be with," Josh said.

"How can you say something so insensitive?" I gasped.

"I am sick and tired of always being your second choice!" he was losing it.

"First David stole you from me before I could ask you out. When I took care of him I thought you'd finally pay attention to me but then you hung on to his memories like he was never gone. And now this guy Isaac comes out of nowhere and steals you away from me! I won't let him!" Josh screamed.

I stood there, dumbfounded. "W...what do you mean you took care of David?"

Josh stopped talking and just stared at me.

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